Outlander fans who watched Black Sails last night got a preview of what’s to come when the series returns on April 4, 2015. The big question is, who was that mystery woman?

Many fans were excited to learn that there would be some new footage to view if they tuned into Black Sails last night (Starz is attempting to cross-promote their two historical series). Black Sails has already been greenlit for three seasons, and fans are hoping Outlander will receive the same backing since currently it’s only renewed for two.

We didn’t get a developed scene with multiple actors so much as we got an extended view of Jamie (Sam Heughan) skipping rocks over a stream while a voice over revealed his inner thoughts. Back at the TV Critics Association press day, it was revealed that the voice overs that the show has been known for would shift to Jamie’s point of view in the second part of the series.

We saw part of this sequence back when the teaser (seen below) was released on January 4. Jamie is wearing the same clothes during the rock skipping as he is in the “duel” that takes place starting at the 1 minute, 5 second mark.

During the voiceover, we hear Jamie state, “Strange the things you remember: the people, the places, the moments in time burned into your heart forever while others fade into the mist. I’ve always known I’ve lived a life different from other men. When I was a lad and saw a new path before me, I simply took a step and then another, ever forward, ever onward, rushing towards some place I knew not where. And one day I turned around and looked back, and saw that each step I’d taken was a choice: to go left, to go right, to go forward, or to even not go at all. Every day every man has a choice: between right and wrong, love and hate, sometimes between life and death. The sum of those choices becomes your life. The day I realized that, is the day I became a man.”

Two really interesting questions arise from the video seen below. First, what is the time frame of this introspection of Jamie’s? He’s clean and in dressier clothes. It doesn’t seem like it’s life on the run as he looks more put together than that.

Secondly, at roughly the 1 minute, 16 second mark a woman appears behind Jamie. She is blurred, but she seems to have long, blonde hair. Even if the color is just a trick of the lighting, the length is way longer than Claire’s (Caitriona Balfe) hair. So, who is she?