The Oscars adding a Most Popular Film category has been a controversial decision, but here are 14 categories we can all agree would be better.

The internet reacted in a large way to the news that the Oscars would be adding a Popular Film category. Those who appreciate movies more for their art think it’s a cheap category (ironic, when the category will probably take into consideration how much money the films made).

But the Oscars aren’t only trying to appeal to film buffs, they want to bring in a larger audience of average movie fans. In order to draw in the largest number of people possible, it only makes sense to add a category that’s about the largest number of people.

Aside from the fact that it’s not a popular addition, Popular Film isn’t exactly the most creative of nomination categories. Here are 14 other categories that would be better suited to the Oscars.

  1. Most dramatic/badass strut away from an explosion
  2. Best Marvel movie one-liner
  3. Film that made insecure entitled men the most enraged
  4. Most inexcusable white-washed casting
  5. Most forced chemistry between a heterosexual couple
  6. Least suspect Brit playing an American
  7. Best public apology from a male celebrity
  8. Cutest dog
  9. Best performance from Meryl Streep
  10. Film that caused the most damage to New York
  11. Sequel film that didn’t suck as much as you expected it to
  12. Film that would have most benefited from including an ABBA song
  13. Actor/Actress most inappropriately too old to be playing the age of their character
  14. Award Harry Potter was robbed from

Jokes aside, here are five legitimate categories that should be added to the Oscars that are better than Popular Film. Also be sure to check out the six movies we think would have won if this category was brought into effect earlier.

#SorryNotSorry Oscars, but we just don’t get it