Orphan Black season 5, the final season, premieres Saturday night! Here are some awesome teasers about what you can expect when your favorite clones return.

Orphan Black‘s final season is here, and even though we always knew it’d be five seasons, it’s still a sad day. We’re not ready to say goodbye to our seestras!

The show’s fifth season premiere is chock-full of action and truly hits the ground running, a feeling very familiar for Orphan Black season premieres. It’s an episode we think you’re all going to love.

We know that every minute counts and you can’t wait to find out more about what’s going on in the seestras’ new adventures, so we put together a few teasers for you to enjoy beforehand.

  1. Art has a new partner, and she knows way more than you think. Being a cop in the middle of an evolutionary experiment with religious nutjobs and corporate bigwigs finally caught up with him, and it’s going to be interesting to see where this goes.
  2. Scott has a bigger role this season, so expect to see your favorite comic book seestra a lot more. As a character that started as an adorable random guy, he’s definitely grown on our hearts and it looks like he’s going to be way more heavily involved with the sisters’ drama.
  3. Everyone is in trouble. Quite literally no one is safe this season and this premiere definitely cemented that. With kidnappings, stabbings, fainting and a lot of running, the premiere shows all of our favorite clones in quite a sticky spot.

    It makes us wonder: Who will survive the whole season if the premiere is this dangerous?

  4. Delphine and Cosima are together again!. It’s been a struggle seeing Cosima and Delphine fight for their love, unable to stay together long enough to be happy. But the Cophine reunion you always wanted is finally here! Well, maybe not the one you always wanted… but we won’t say why.
  5. Donnie Hendrix will always make you laugh. Kristian Bruun’s performance as Donnie is always our favorite part of the Alison/Donnie duo and it’s such a delight to see him be just as funny as in the past, despite the seriously dangerous drama he has to deal with.

    This episode may be emotional, but at least we have Donnie to get us through.

  6. What part of ‘Orphan Black’ season 5 are you most excited for?

    Orphan Black’s final trip begins this Saturday, June 10th at 10/9c on BBC AMERICA.