Tonight Orphan Black featured a first: brotherly and sisterly cooperation.

Cosima and Felix

Felix takes Cosima out to try to get her to stop wallowing over Delphine. Despite looking at some cute girls on an online dating app, Cosima isn’t really interested. Their conversation is interrupted by a call from Sarah. Sarah has broken into a box that was in Mark and Gracie’s hotel room. When she reveals the contents to Cosima, it becomes obvious Henrick used the DNA to attempt cloning.

Sarah and Mark team up

Sarah rescues Mark from the Proletheans, and brother and sister have a little chat about what their lives have been like while Sarah does emergency surgery. Sarah basically learns that Castor HQ is mobile and could be anywhere. Mark has no idea of their whereabouts because he has been undercover for over a year, and then went dark.

After Sarah reveals that Rudy went after her and Kiera. Mark tells her why he was undercover. The Proletheans supposedly had samples of the original Castor DNA. Mark wanted to recover it to hopefully cure the Castor clones of their neurological issues. Mark also hoped to trade the DNA for his freedom to be with Gracie.

After Mark discovers Sarah in his old hotel room. Mark then takes Sarah to a graveyard. They dig up the body of a baby Henrick and Bonnie had years ago. They realize this baby’s bones may have the DNA that they desperately need. When Mark passes out and the Rudy shows up, Sarah has to fight for her life all over again.

The woes of Gracie

Poor deluded and easily manipulated Gracie ends up at the home of Mr. Jonah Appleyard, the man who took what was left of her clan in after the fire. Life at Mr. Appleyard’s is just about as religiously nuts as Gracie’s original home was. Fortunately for her, she didn’t have to think about it too long. Once Gracie miscarried, neither her mother, Bonnie, nor anyone else wanted anything to do with her. The only remaining question is if they’ll kill her, or just banish her.

Alison and Donnie busted

Alison and Donnie’s budding drug business is now in jeopardy as the local drug kingpin didn’t give his permission for Alison to take over the dealing in the neighborhood. A meet-up to negotiate her turf with the kingpin is called. Surprise, surprise, the local drug kingpin is an ex-flame of Alison’s whose name is Jason Kellerman. The two of them completely hit it off in a bizarre reunion, and they are soon business partners.

Helena outwits them all

Helena devises a scheme to explore her compound. She deliberately wounds herself to be taken to a less secure area. From there she fakes unconsciousness and explores. Her major discovery is that they are doing open brain surgery on Castor clones. Helena provides a mercy killing for a suffering clone.

What did you think about this week’s ‘Orphan Black’ revelations?