A new set of Orphan Black posters have been released by BBC America and they bring us some awesome insight into the relationships of the characters.

BBC America’s original drama Orphan Black premieres its second season next weekend, and in its next 10 episodes they will show us even more of the relationships we’ve seen grow in season 1. BBC America has released character portraits of these relationships, and even the smallest details could mean something huge.

These images shouldn’t be taken lightly – often times even the smallest detail could mean a great deal. We find it immensely interesting how, in the first photo, Rachel’s right hand is on Paul’s leg, which could either hint at a possible romance between them (which we don’t like the idea of) or Rachel’s alliance siding more towards Paul, and the clones.

The second image with Cosima and Delphine shows some really interesting symbolism as well. You can see from Delphine’s face that she’s not entirely sure about what’s happening, whether that’s about their relationship or Cosima’s relationship with the DYAD institute we’re not sure. The fact that she’s holding onto Cosima with her whole hand, while Cosima only has a finger outstretched may also imply that she’s doing her best to keep Cosima healthy and safe while she gets sicker because of her respiratory problem.

In the third image, it looks like Felix will be on Alison’s side more than ever as her gay acting coach/friend. Alison, still struggling with her aid in Ainsley’s death as depicted by her standing on Ainsley’s scarf, is holding a glass of wine while still trying to look composed. We know that she gave up drinking, and now it looks like she’s back at it again, but she’s still going to try to be that perfect model citizen she was before. The inclusion of Donnie, her husband and monitor, could mean huge implications for their relationship and how far he goes with her in season 2. Notice, however, how he’s still wearing his track suit and giving a more suburban vibe, which means that Donnie will likely keep his identity as Alison’s monitor a secret for a lot of season 2.

The final image shows us Sarah and Cal, and it is the least detailed of the four. Although, from Sarah’s body language it’s clear that she’s not open and trustful to Cal and is keeping her back to him, hesitant to let him into her life. We love how confident Cal looks, though, as if he already knows what she’s thinking and/or has a plan in his head. Could he be Kira’s father? We can’t wait to find out!

What do you think of these new ‘Orphan Black’ posters?

Don’t forget to check out the Five spoilers we can tell you about the Orphan Black season 2 premiere!