We’re huge fans of Orphan Black and have been since the series premiered in 2013. However, we’re not fans of how Alison Hendrix just sits on the sidelines lately.

With a show as dramatic as Orphan Black it makes sense that the creators have a clone that’s become the comic relief of the show. However, it seems that’s all Alison Hendrix has become: the comic relief and nothing else.

We understand that each clone has, or is trying to have, their own life outside of all the clone club craziness. Sarah has to worry about Kira, Cosima is figuring out her heart, Rachel has her own parental and internal issues, and Helena is… well, Helena. Through-out the past three seasons each of these clones have brought a unique and interesting blend of their personal lives into the drama of the DYAD Institute and the clone problem they have to deal with. All except Alison.

Don’t get us wrong — we absolutely love watching Alison deal with her suburban mom problems. They’re always the most hysterical and surprising stories, the way she’s able to bring just as much drama as Sarah only instead of it being with drugs and guns and kidnappings it’s with house parties and glue guns. If you think about it, though, all of that stuff was during season 1 and her more recent endeavors have been a bit of a bore.

Season 2 saw Alison dealing with her alcoholism and rehab, but again that was all outside of the issues literally every other clone had to deal with. Season 3 continues to see her avoid her and her sisters’ problem by running for office for her school district and starting her own drug business.

We’re not saying that Alison’s storyline isn’t entertaining — what we’re saying is that it’s completely irrelevant to the rest of the show. Alison made it clear that she wanted no part in any of the drama when she signed the contract Rachel offered her at the end of season one, but what she wants and what we want are two very different things.

We want to see her help her sisters, to get involved in something that affects not only herself but her family as well. By staying away from all of the drama that Sarah and Cosima are diving head first into we think she’s actually endangering herself and her family more. She’s uninformed, she’s unprepared, and honestly? She’s ignorant. She can’t expect to be a part of an illegal human cloning experiment and not be involved in any way, no matter how much she wants to.

It’s gotten to the point where if Alison were to get killed for some reason then it would hardly have an affect on the rest of the story. The most it would do would give the other clones even more reason to keep doing what they’re doing, and it would drive the rest of the characters to unimaginable lengths. Maybe that’s the point — maybe John Fawcett and Graeme Manson, the show’s creators, want to detach Alison so it’s easier to raise the stakes while keeping the DYAD/Military stories in motion.

But let’s not dwell on the possibility of Alison’s death — that’s a whole different conversation for a later time. What we’re saying is that unless Alison gets involved with the science side or the military side of Orphan Black, we’re sitting here waiting for her scenes to end so the rest of the season’s arc can continue.

What do you think of Alison’s involvement on ‘Orphan Black?’

Maybe we’re alone in thinking that Alison isn’t as involved as she should be, but maybe not! Let us know what you think in the comments below!