Clones of both Project Castor and Project Leda are now on the search for their original DNA on Orphan Black, and tonight they get a little bit farther.

Last week on ‘Orphan Black’

We finally caught up with Mark, the Prolethean clone who turned out to not really be Prolethean. He and Gracie were on the run at their hotel and both Rudy and the Proletheans were out to get them. Mark managed to get away from his brothers but Gracie got caught by her mother, Bessie.

Meanwhile, Cosima and Scott took out Seth’s brain to inspect it and see what exactly is going on there and she discovered that they are actually related to the Castor clones: They’re their brothers!

Oh, and Alison’s drug/soap business is booming.

This week, the search for original DNA continues

The synopsis for the episode reads: “Mark is taken down in a Prolethean shoot-out and Sarah must step in to help. But as Sarah gathers intel that puts her on the trail of the original Castor DNA, a familiar foe is not far behind. While Helena continues to toil in a faraway military compound, it is ultimately Sarah’s fate that will hang in the balance as she tries to save her sister. Meanwhile, Gracie is cast out from the Prolethean fold, and Alison and Donnie come face-to-face with unhappy drug lord, Jason Kellerman.”

Given that Gracie had literally just rejoined her Prolethean family, we wonder what could’ve happened that would make them cast her out. And excuse us but we thought Alison bought her drugs from Ramon, who is Jason Kellerman?

‘Orphan Black’ returns tonight on BBC America at 9:00 p.m. Easter

And if you’re looking for an Orphan Black podcast to keep you informed and entertained during the rest of the week, look no further. Orphan Black Chat is a a podcast brought to you by Hypable writers Kyle, Laura and Danielle, joined in by Benjamin Holmquist. Check them out on iTunes!