The Vampire Diaries has really brought its a-game this season, and with all the plot twists and turns, we can’t help but to come up with our own theories for how the season will end.

If you listen to Hypable’s Vampire Hype podcast, which covers all things vampires, you’ll know that we love making theories about The Vampire Diaries, and then seeing which of us gets it right.

Earlier this year we joked about all the characters turning human again, and lo and behold, a few episodes later the cure for vampirism was introduced! But will we be able to predict which character ends up taking it, too?

Over the season we’ve theorized about Jeremy’s death, Elena’s humanity being shut off, why the hell April is still around anyway, and much more.

Below you’ll find five points that (apparently) have a huge part in the current plot of The Vampire Diaries, and each host of Vampire Hype will provide their theory about what makes it important, or what’s going to happen this season.

There’s a poll at the end of each theory, so be sure to vote and let us know who you agree with! You’re also more than welcome to post your own theories in the comments section below.

The Cure

Selina: Katherine gets the cure. Now here’s something no one would see coming. I feel like right now everyone’s guessing Damon because of the books (and that definitely makes it more likely), but at this point in the show, I personally would like to see a complete Katherine-Elena role reversal. I’ve loved seeing Elena as a vampire, and while eventually she’s bound to switch her humanity back on, I definitely don’t want her becoming human again. It would be such a major step back. But Katherine? Imagine that scene, where she’s suddenly human and all those repressed emotions come crashing down on her. It would be amazing, and Nina Dobrev would be able to take that so far. The bad thing about Katherine turning human of course is that it’d probably result in her death… but it’d be pretty epic – AND allow all our regulars to stay vampires. That said, I’m totally on board the Damon-as-a-human theory, too…

Tariq: Damon will get the cure. This theory isn’t far off from what actually happens in the books. In those, however, the cure is a flower and whoever sniffs it ingests it, and this turns out to be Damon. It’d be great if he somehow got dosed with the cure because he doesn’t want it, and I’d love to see how he reacts. But recent evens also make me scared for whoever ends up with this cure, because they will be so vulnerable afterwards. How do we know that whoever takes this cure won’t end up getting killed because they’re a puny human?! The show already differs from the book series a great deal, so it wouldn’t surprise me if Damon doesn’t get it, but I really want him to!

Pamela: Damon will take it. As much as most Vampire Diaries fans would love to see Rebecca end up with the cure because she’s the only one who really wants to take it, ultimately, I think it’ll be Damon who ends up taking it. Why? Purely because he’s arguably the vampire who wants it least in the series. We all know that Damon would be the last person on earth to willingly take the cure so I think he’ll either somehow get tricked into taking it or he’ll unknowingly ingest it somehow. While the cure would be wasted on Damon, who doesn’t want it for himself at all, I think seeing his character go through the motions of having to learn to be human again would make for the most interesting plot just because he’s so against it.

Kristen: Katherine will turn over the cure to Elena after Klaus forgives her and leaves for New Orleans, and then somehow Damon is forced to take it to save either himself or someone else. All I really want to see is Elena and Katherine teaming up for some major vampire ass-kicking. I think they would make an intriguing pair, and if Katherine and Elena can bury the hatchet, then both Damon and Stefan would have to come to terms with Katherine being around. Plus, I think that the only reason Katherine wanted the cure was to use it to barter with Klaus so she can stop running. So once he is no longer a threat to her, I think she will have no problem handing over the cure to Elena. Now, the reason I think Damon is going to be the one to take the cure is this: Elena is not going to want to be human anymore now that her entire family has been killed, and he is going to want the sire bond broken to know definitively one way or the other how she feels about him. There will probably be some external force driving him to take it as well (someone is in danger of being forced to take the cure or something similar), and Damon will sacrifice his vampirism in order to keep everyone else safe. Ultimately, Damon will end up a vampire again somehow, but probably not till midway through next season.
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Selina: Silas is the First Evil, Buffy style. We all know that The Vampire Diaries borrows a lot from its predecessor Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and it seems like the Silas character is no exception. Silas is older than the oldest vampires, and seems to have unlimited powers – he can turn into anyone he wants, dead or alive (so he’s got that leg up over The First, actually), and he can seemingly manipulate everyone into feeling anything. So how could he be killed? As I don’t think he’ll get the cure, surely no matter what happens with Bonnie and the veil, Silas will be sticking around, potentially until the end of the series, ducking in and out of the show as needed. Maybe he’ll even end up becoming an ally to our band of heroes (deviating from the First thing, but whatever).

Tariq: Silas will be the big bad wolf for the rest of this season and all of next season. Silas was mentioned in the very beginning of this season, so they’ve been foreshadowing his return for the longest time. They can’t spend all of this time and plot on him if he’s going to die this season, so I think he’s going to be the antagonist for the rest of the fifth season as well. I have no idea how long they want to go with the whole veil thing, but it would be reasonable if Silas somehow got his hands on another Bennett witch (Bonnie’s cousin, anyone?) and continues his hold over the veil and the people of Mystic Falls. Especially since he just got cast, it seems that Silas is here to stay.

Pamela: Silas will stay on until season 5 at least. Like Tariq and Kristin, I too am under the impression that Silas won’t be going anywhere any time soon, though how long he’s going to last beyond the rest of this season and at least part of next beats me. We’ve gotten a good taste of exactly what Silas is capable of with Klaus believing he was dying by way of the white ash stake only to find that it was all in his head. We’ve also learned Silas can shape shift into any person he wants at will and use that against everyone that crosses his path. All of this, coupled with whatever other powers he possesses we haven’t learned about yet, make for a very dangerous villain — one that up until this point seems incapable of defeat. The problem with an undefeatable character, though, is that it doesn’t make for the most interesting story lines. Though I don’t think Silas will meet his end this season, I could see this season ending with our crew of good vampires figuring out what Silas’ kryptonite is and then the following season being about using Silas’ one weakness against him to ultimately defeat him.

Kristen: Silas will be neutralized, but not totally killed in the season finale. While it’s completely plausible that Silas will be wrapped up and done by the end of the season, I can’t help but think that with all the Originals jumping ship to go hang out in New Orleans, The Vampire Diaries is going to be in dire need of a compelling villain. Silas is just that. He seems to be able to morph into whatever shape he wants, which makes it possible for them to switch actors without having to change the big bad. Plus, as Klaus is still presently alive and Silas is supposed to be worse than him, it would seem a bit too easy for our favorite gang to send Silas to the great beyond before Klaus.
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The Originals

Selina: The Originals will be beautiful and amazing and the most successful spin-off of all time, giving The CW its first ever Best Drama Emmy award and a second, Elijah-centric spinoff-within-a-spinoff. True story. Okay. Maybe not. But it’s going to be pretty frickin’ brilliant. As Julie Plec has already hinted at, if allowed to develop properly, The Originals will eventually see Klaus redeemed while his brother Elijah will be traveling down a more self-destructive path. Who knows what Rebekah and Hayley will be up to, but as long as they’re BFFs, I don’t even care.

Tariq: The Originals aren’t gone for good. Julie Plec even mentioned that Klaus may be back as a guest or that some of our Vampire Diaries characters may guest on The Originals, which means they might still be around to help with the whole Silas issue. I can totally imagine them doing their own thing in New Orleans and then coming back for the fifth season finale or whatever episode it will be that Silas is actually vanquished for good. Plus, there’s the fact that I don’t want them to be gone from Mystic Falls forever! We never got our full dose of Matt and Rebecca, and that ship needs to sail a lot longer before I’m satisfied with its journey!

Pamela:  The Originals will come back to Mystic Falls but probably won’t be key aspects of major story arcs. Since Julie Plec has stated herself that fans shouldn’t rule out seeing the return of some of our favorite Michaelson siblings in the future, I’ll have to agree with my fellow Vampire Hype co-hosts and say that we will most likely see the return of the Originals to Mystic Falls eventually. That being said, I don’t think we’ll see them coming back to resolve any major story arcs like defeating Silas unless his continued survival affects them directly. As irked as Klaus is by Silas and everything he’s done to torture him thus far, at the end of the day, Klaus fears what Silas can do. Despite having a temper and a thirst for revenge, I can’t see Klaus picking a fight with Silas if he could easily just pawn him off on our other vampires. As for what we could possibly see The Originals getting up to in The Big Easy, I would love to see Julie Plec play up the rich history of witchery and voodoo magic that surrounds New Orleans. Pinning the Michaelson family against the witches and warlocks that are descendants of voodoo worshipers in New Orleans and Louisiana would definitely make for an interesting spin-off!

Kristen: The Original family (Klaus, Rebecca, and Elijah) are going to leave Mystic Falls in order to start fresh as a family and to bring some external force from New Orleans back in line. Something about this spin off makes me think that when the Original family takes off, they are going to bond together again as they did when they took their “always and forever” oath, but it will be because there will be a different gang of vampires in New Orleans that needs a firm hand (or a stake through the heart). They will be called away to deal with this disruptive force and they will depart Mystic Falls, leaving our favorites to defend Mystic Falls against the forces of evil that Silas has up his sleeve.
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The Veil

Selina: The veil opening will be the season 4 cliffhanger. Well, it’ll either be that or Damon (I mean, Katherine… honestly, either is good) taking the cure, but either way I’m thinking that the finale will center around Bonnie giving into her Expression! magic and bringing down the veil, allowing all the dead supernatural beings to trickle through back into our world. Recent spoilers about returning characters definitely seem to indicate that this will happen, and the veil opening would certainly allow us to get back a few fan favourites. But after that, I think much like the time the ghost world spilled over (remember that almost identical plotline from season 3? Yeeeah), the veil will be firmly shut again and that’ll be the end of it. This will probably happen in one of the first episodes of season 5.

Tariq: The veil will be the main plot point for season 5. Either Bonnie or another Bennett witch will succeed in lifting the veil, bringing back some of our favorite characters and our most hated antagonists. I think the main plot arc of season 5 is going to be fighting all of the evil that’s returned to Mystic Falls while simultaneously trying to find out how to close the veil without Bonnie having to use Expression, because I predict if Bonnie tries using Expression again without the help of Silas, then she’ll either die or turn evil for good. Put simply, there’s no way they can’t lift the veil now!

Pamela: The Veil opening will play a role in Silas’ defeat. The more and more I think about the concept of the Veil, the more I’m convinced that it has to serve some higher purpose than simply trying to bring all the spirits of loved ones lost back. I think it would be interesting if one of the spirits that returned from the veil held some kind of information to defeating Silas. Having something like this driving the plot would also give the Veil opening a bit more importance to the story than just having poltergeist-like spirits causing problems around town.

Kristen: The Veil isn’t going anywhere, at least not permanently. Something tells me that Bonnie isn’t going to be as successful as she thinks when it comes to lowering the Veil. Ultimately, there will be a price to pay that is just too great and she will either fail or refuse to lift the Veil. The main reason I don’t think its gonna happen is, think of all the departed loved ones that would come back. That’s a lot of actors to round up. I can’t imagine Alaric, Vicki, Rose, Kohl, Finn, Lexi, Grams, Anna, and Jeremy all coming back at once. There’s just no way. Somehow it won’t work or something will keep it from happening. If there even is a Veil. Maybe Silas is just trying to get Bonnie to perform a totally different spell under the guise of bringing back loved ones. After all, he did trick Shane into doing all that killing to bring his wife back, and we see how that turned out.


Selina: Totally the key to the whole show. For the longest time, I thought somehow April’s blood would be the cure. That was clearly a crack theory (I do like those), but I still say, why the hell not? April is the ultimate Mary Sue, except she forgot to write herself a cool storyline, but it’s not too late! She’s been hanging around all season, there’s been all these vague hints that she’s important somehow, and I think we’re looking at a Dawn-type situation (continuing the theme of Buffy parallels). Echoing Tariq, I’ll say that some kind of bombshell needs to be dropped about her, or keeping her around for the season really will have been completely pointless. And I refuse to believe that this is the case! Or, hey, maybe she’ll end up taking the cure and turning into a mermaid or something.

Tariq: Is another doppelganger. I like Kristen’s theory about her blood being the thing to lift the veil, but I think she’s got to have a bigger part for the rest of season 5. We all laugh now because she’s never in any episode, except for that phone call when Jeremy died, but I’m almost positive she’ll be more important next season. They can’t say she’s the key to it all and then just use her blood for the veil… I feel like that wouldn’t be nearly as important as they foreshadowed her to be. If Silas is the original immortal being, then maybe April’s ancestor was the original doppelganger, created to somehow be a failsafe should Silas return. April will be the doppelganger of the woman Silas loved, and therefore causing him to rethink his motives.

Pamela: April is probably not important in the slightest. Everyone seems convinced that April is the key to something, but personally, I’m not buying it. To me, April’s role seems very similar to Matt’s. Nice enough, ok to have around, but at the end of the day, really doesn’t serve much of a purpose. I’ll be shocked if she ends up playing a bigger role in the series.

Kristen: April’s blood will be the key to bringing down the veil. While April has seemed to be nothing but a wandering, lost, little girl for the first half of this season, I have a gut feeling that her bloodline has some untapped power that Silas knew about. Whether she is a decedent of Silas’ long lost love or simply the only person innocent enough to donate her blood, there is a reason her character has been thrust at us time and time again only to drift back into the background. I believe that her family will have some sort of power in their blood that will be the only way to lift the veil, and somehow keeping her safe and away from Bonnie and Silas will become top priority.
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What are your theories about ‘The Vampire Diaries’?