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I, like most Chuck fans, have been an avid watcher of the show since day one. I often found myself wishing I could have his life. He’s every nerd’s hero! And don’t get me wrong, I loved the finale. However, I felt like it left me with just as many questions as answers. (There will be spoilers.)

Chuck vs. The Goodbye was a “Greatest Hits” of the past five seasons. In a span of just a couple minutes, the viewer’s were taken to the Berlin version of the restaurant where Chuck and Sarah had their first date, a ballroom where the couple had to tango, and finally to a Wienerlicious from the first season. Jeffster even made a comeback. In my opinion, everything about the finale was a love letter to the fans who helped make it last this long. (Although, I was disappointed they didn’t bring back Chuck’s dad in any way, even though Elle said “Aces, Charles,” near the end.)

But here’s my problem with it: No one’s story lines really got resolved! Casey goes off to find Verbanski, we assume. Chuck’s mom is last seen holding the baby, we’re never told what she’s going to do now.

I know it doesn’t seem like much, but I’m saving the three biggest questions for after I list the story lines I felt were wrapped up nicely. Morgan and Alex decide to move in together, and they lived happily ever after. Wonderful! But does Morgan keep working at the now Subway-owned Buy More? Elle and Awesome move to Chicago to start together at a new hospital. Great! Jeff and Lester get picked up by a record studio in Germany. Makes sense!

However, there are still three huge question on mine, and I’m assuming every other die hard fan’s minds. 1) Did Sarah get all her memories back from that magic kiss, or did they gradually come back over time? We see her start to remember things through the episode, so it’s assumed she’ll get them all back eventually. 2) What are Chuck and Sarah doing now? Will they stay together? Will they go back to spying? Will they try to quit and start a family? (Personally, I think it’s the last one.) And 3) Does Chuck still have the Intersect?! There was zero resolution to that story line! Did the government make him give it up? Does he still have it without them knowing?

This is where a Chuck movie would really shine. Fast forward to five or so years later. Chuck and Sarah have a kid or two, they’ve been able to avoid the spy life and she has all her memories back. They get a phone call from Beckman, Casey and Verbanski were kidnapped by some bad guys. Chuck and Sarah drop the kids off with Elle and Awesome, who have been doing great in Chicago, then go save the day. They find out the bad guy’s were after Casey because of Chuck. It turns out his dad had one last Intersect secret. The gang gets back together, finds the big secret, stops the bad guys, and Chuck fans everywhere get closure!

Granted, it probably wouldn’t get picked up by any major movie studios, but look at Firefly or Arrested Development. Who knows, maybe if we start fighting for it now, there will be a Chuck movie in the next three years!