Rein in your expectations, it’s not a theme park. But Once Upon a Time fans are now able to enjoy a Storybrooke-themed visit to the town the show is filmed in.

Once Upon a Time is about a young woman who travels to the sleepy fictional town of Storybrooke, Maine, where fairytale characters have been trapped and are now living like normal people.

Upon first hearing the name of the town, Emma (Jennifer Morrison) utters a surprised, “Storybrooke? Seriously?” And well… no, not really. There is no actual town called Storybrooke, ME. But there is a Steveston, BC, which looks an awful lot like it.

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Instead of building sets for various Storybrooke streets and interiors, most of the show’s present-day scenes are filmed in actual Steveston locations. The main street is there, the clocktower is there, and places like Granny’s Diner and the Storybrooke Post Office are just tweaked versions of existing places.

It’s as close as you’re gonna get to Storybrooke, at least for now (Disney’s gotta be planning something with this sandbox of fairytale characters all milling around in the same place!).

Jaunted reports that the village is now offering Once Upon a Time fans a special deal, to explore the town and its Storybrooke locations in a new way.

If you find yourself near the Steveston area, you can book two or more consecutive nights at a participating hotel from now and through December 15, in order to qualify for the Once Upon a Time package.

The package includes free meals, a gift bag, a walking tour map, and transportation between Steveston and your hotel.

If you’re interesting in learning more, and seeing which hotels are on the list, head over to the Richmond Tourism website.

Once Upon a Time season 4, episode 3, “Rocky Road,” airs next Sunday at 8/7c on ABC.