Once Upon a Time has gone to great lengths to show David and his alter ego Prince Charming as different characters, but of course they are the same person. Josh Dallas explains what sets them apart in a new interview.

Speaking to DaMan as part of a photoshoot, Dallas reveals that he sees the two characters as very different people:

The two characters live in two different emotional states. In the case of ‘Charming,’ he is forthright, confident, honest and brave. ‘David’ is the opposite: he is weak, confused, and lost.

On how it feels to portray such an iconic character as Prince Charming, he says:

I have to play him as the man that he is and not as the man that people perceive ‘Prince Charming’ to be. If he happens to come across as heroic and charming, so be it.

He also points out that Charming was in fact a shephard, “essentially an Everyman.” Dallas feels he can relate to this as, “I’m a regular kind of guy. In real life, I endeavor to do right by everyone and remain true to my values.”

Read the full interview and check out the stunning images from the photoshoot at DaMan.