Once Upon a Time season 6 is heading into uncharted territory in the fall and we have all the details from Comic Con about what to expect!

The residents of Storybrooke made their way down to San Diego this weekend to reveal some exciting tidbits about the upcoming sixth season of Once Upon a Time. Superfan and moderator Yvette Nicole Brown gave the fans exactly what they wanted from the annual Once Upon a Time panel at San Diego Comic Con this year.

Oh, that wasn’t what you were waiting for? Well then. Let’s get on with the rest of the incredible news that came out of the panel, shall we?

1. All hail Regina

Once Upon a Time has thrown some crazy scenarios at us over the years. But one thing that has been consistently incredible through visits to Neverland, Camelot, and the magical rent controlled apartment in New York City is Regina’s character arc. Season 6 will tackle a new angle on the journey of this antihero when it quite literally splits the character into a pure villain and pure hero. Will audiences be torn between who to root for? After all, the Evil Queen gives us some amazing screen time over the years. Before you decide, watch the sizzle reel from the panel!

Lana Parrilla offered some insight on Regina versus the Evil Queen saying, “Regina is desperate to really be this hero and be happy internally… It’s going to be an interesting journey this year to see how the Evil Queen and Regina co-exist.”

There is one key piece of the Regina that she will always share with her evil counterpart — her sass. Parrilla assured fans that the Regina they love would still be around in some form saying, “Regina’s still sassy. She’s not going to lose her sass. The question I asked the guys is, ‘Is she just this pure, light being?’ And they said, ‘No, not really. She’s still sassy. That’s Regina.’”

2. Belle and Rumpel seek counseling

We’re not sure if Dr. Hopper is qualified enough to take on this extreme case of domestic quarreling, but honestly, who would be? Emilie de Ravin spoke to why Belle keeps going back to Rumpel even after he has shown her over and over again that his quest for power will always outweigh his love for her. “Part of that pull [to Rumpel] is him being kind of a bad guy. She likes that. Deep down, she sees the good in him,” says de Ravin.

That’s all fine and dandy but who knows what is going to happen once the chance to sacrifice his newborn for a wand that controls the weather comes along. Belle may be able to see through the darkness, but we need a bit more convincing that this relationship is worth rooting for in season 6!

3. Wedding bells and more history for our favorite pirate

First things first — Colin O’Donoghue crushed some fans hopes and dreams when he pointed out that the wedding dress in the shop window at the close of season 5 has always been there. Maybe we give Hook and Emma break. After all, let’s not rush into a marriage right after they finally get to say “I love you” without the other dying.

What else in on tap for the pirate in season 6? Expect to see a bit more about Hook’s past come up this season. Horowitz teased, “He’s the same Hook, but I think we might find out a few things about his past…and some surprising secrets that have been harbored.”

4. The Queen and the Swan

It may not be the romantic ship that many, many fans want to see, but it is quite the friendship. Emma Swan and Regina Mills are arguably each other’s best friend. The close of season 5 showcased the strongest scene the two women have shared as allies since the show began and season 6 will continue to explore their friendship.

Parrilla said, “These women have grown so much over the years…It’s such an admirable relationship…They’re working together, and I think Emma has really helped Regina get to this new place in her life. I can see them continuing down that path.”

5. Stray tidbits

• When asked if Zeus would be heading back any time soon the answer was, “The Zeus interference was a ‘one time only thing.'” O’Donoghue was not feeling the love when the god came down for a visit commenting, “They could have given me back my hand.”

• If you could pick anyone from Buffy to hang out in the Underworld with Cruella who would it be? Spike. Obviously! While James Marsters may not be appearing in anything beyond this clip from the season 5 DVD, it’s a scene we’ll treasure.

• Speaking of Olympus, how exactly does the magic of that stone work? Pay close attention because Robin’s death may not be all it appears.

• Some big casting news came at the end of the panel, including a look at the first three minutes of season 3. You can watch Aladdin and Jafar’s debut here! No word on how this will play into Once Upon a Time in Wonderland‘s parallel arc with Jafar.

• And just in case that photo of Jennifer Morrison and Colin O’Donoghue was the only thing you were looking forward to from the panel, here it is gif form.


Once Upon a Time season 6 premieres Sunday, September 25 at 8:00 p.m. ET on ABC.