Once Upon a Time‘s season 1 finale is getting closer! The actors and producers are ready to share their excitement, plus it seems August’s identity has been confirmed. Are you sure you want to know?

E! Online seems to have the answer to who August is: Pinocchio. They write:

We’d tell you we don’t know, but our noses would be growing! In the next episode, all will be revealed and you will see why August has a very special connection with Emma, and why he’s in trouble now. Hint: He’s got wood. And, you know, not the dirty kind. August will spend some quality time with Emma trying to convince her of the curse. Wake up, girl! Wake up!

Are you surprised? Disappointed?

Further, Jennifer Morrison seems convinced the show will be renewed for a second season, and teases about the finale:

Brace yourself! There is not much that doesn’t happen in that finale. It’s pretty crazy.

Executive producer Jane Espenson shares her excitement, telling EW:

This finale is one of the biggest I’ve ever been a part of. If you’ve ever said, ‘Gee, I wish they would…’ you’ll see it.

Considering that Emma is meant to break the curse this year, we wonder what they’ll do to keep the story going!