Once Upon a Time revisits a character not heard of since her appearance in one episode last spring. Read on to find out who is returning and what purpose she may serve.

In order to tell the story of Cora, played by Barbara Hershey, Once Upon a Time cast Rose McGowan (Charmed) to play the younger version of the Queen. McGowan has signed on to revive her role as young Cora for episode 18, airing in April.

Last season, Once Upon a Time spent an episode focusing on Cora, the Queen of Hearts and Regina’s mother, and her origin story. The episode, “The Miller’s Daughter” set the path to battle for Regina and Mary Margaret when Cora met her demise by the close of the episode.

Though nothing about the episode is available yet, viewers can begin to speculate what role Cora will play for the second half of the season. Once Upon a Time spent the first half of season 3 in Neverland, battling Peter Pan and facing the evils of Rumpelstiltskin’s past. The descending arc of season 3 will focus on the battle between the Evil (Regina) and the Wicked (The Wicked Witch of the West).

Perhaps Cora will provide another branch to the family tree of Once Upon a Time. Or is it more like a shrub at this point? Cora’s return may also include an appearance from the believed to be deceased Rumpelstiltskin.

Cora and Rumpelstiltskin have a bit of history together, as was revealed in “The Miller’s Daughter,” where Rumpelstiltskin taught Cora to spin straw into gold to help her earn the hand of Prince Henry and seek the respect of the kingdom. See there first interaction here:

One thing is for sure, looking to the past always proves to hold something significant for the present on this show!

Thanks, Entertainment Weekly.

How do you think Cora’s return will play out on ‘Once Upon a Time’?