Once Upon a Time showrunner Ed Kitsis teases trouble in paradise for recently reunited fairytale lovers Snow White and Prince Charming in season 2!

Speaking to TV Line, Kitsis warns Snowing fans that even though they now remember their true identities and will be reunited with their daughter, Emma might not be ready for a happy family reunion:

Emma is a character who her entire life wanted to meet her parents — and now she’s met them. But this isn’t exactly how she pictured it, and that’s not an easy thing to deal with.

Further, while the roadblocks to happiness that David and Mary Margaret faced in season 1 seem to have disappeared, the show isn’t ready to give them their happy ending!

Kitsis says, “It would be awfully cruel to torture them continually, but in the same respect, there’s drama in every relationship.”

Do you think the two characters deserve happiness yet? Or are you looking forward to seeing them have to face new obstacles (hopefully side by side)?