The phases of the moon will play a small part in Once Upon a Time‘s fifth season. The creators confirm today that Ruby will return.

In speaking with TV Line, co-creator Edward Kitsis teased, “I hope there is a full moon this year. You never know who might come out…” It did not take long for the official confirmation of Meghan Ory’s return to Once Upon a Time season 5 to follow. Not only will Ruby return, but she will be around for a few episodes. She has not been seen since the season 3 finale when the town gathered for Snow and David’s announcement of baby Neal’s name.

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The news arrives a few weeks ahead of the release of the Once Upon a Time companion novel, Red’s Untold Tale, that follows a younger Ruby who is juggling working at Granny’s business, navigating her first love, and dealing with a temper that is not easily tamed.

While Ruby works her way back into the story, there is plenty going on the keep the other Storybrooke residents on edge. The quest for Camelot will become quite pressing as TV Line‘s preview reveals that Emma may use her new darkness for the wrong reasons.

“There’s a real driving force behind what Emma is doing and why. Emma was a very smart person who did things for a reason, and that translates. It’s not a rampant evil that’s been unleashed,” says Adam Horowitz. Kitsis follows up to offer, “Emma is going to do something particularly bad and to the people she loves.”

Who else should we be afraid of? Well let’s just say Zelena’s pregnancy is not all pink and blue ribbons and baby showers.

Once Upon a Time season 5, episode 1, “Dark Swan,” premieres Sunday, September 27 at 8:00 p.m. ET on ABC.