Once Upon a Time season 5 is off to an exciting start and a few new members have joined the adventure. Check out what Leroy hopes to accomplish this season!

Leroy, observer of disaster and unofficial town crier, has had enough. No longer will he sit around and watch as Stroybrooke crumbles under inefficient leadership. No longer will he watch as the heroes escape town and he is left behind to deal with whatever smoke monster is threatening to bring about the end of days. Leroy is going on the Once Upon a Time season 5 adventure whether anyone likes it or not.

Back in the days where everyone lived in the Enchanted Forest, Leroy was Snow White’s right hand man. He kept a weather eye on David, rallied the dwarves when it was time to fight, and never backed away from a challenge. So what happened to that man when Storybrooke regained their memories? Why did he get cast out of the story and placed in the mines?


It’s high time for some new underdogs of the Once Upon a Time narrative to join the fight, especially since one of their own is now against them. Before the expected group of travellers took off in Granny’s to the Enchanted Forest, Leroy jumped in to tag along. Will his grand ideas of what these missions entail be met? So far Leroy’s adventure is off to an exciting start.

On this week’s Onceable podcast, fellow Once Upon a Time enthusiast Kristen Kranz mentioned that it is almost as if Leroy had a checklist of all the things he wished to accomplish on the quest to put an end to The Dark One. Now he does!

Print out the checklist below and keep tabs on what Leroy is able to accomplish throughout season 5!

Leroy’s Adventure Checklist

Recall how Leroy crossed off the first two items on his list with our Once Upon a Time season 5 recaps:

Once Upon a Time season 5 premiere recap: Emma decends into darkness
Once Upon a Time season 5, episode 2 recap: The hottest moments

Tune in to the rest of the season to see how many more items Leroy can cross off in Camelot before he returns back home to Storybrooke!

Watch Once Upon a Time season 5, episode 3, “Siege Perilous,” Sunday, October 11 at 8:00 p.m. ET on ABC.