A promo for Once Upon a Time‘s spring premiere aired during the Oscars! See which side Emma finds herself on here!

Between the red carpet, the acceptance speeches, and the tiny gold men, blink and you may have missed the release of Once Upon a Time‘s season 4 teaser released on Twitter. The promo does not give much away, but it does offer an extended look at the amazing costuming that went into creating the Queens of Darkness.

Once Upon a Time season 4 is just a week away and a new promo has the Queens of Darkness and Emma seemingly teamed up against Rumpelstiltskin. Or are they there to do his bidding?

Watch the promo here.

Related: Once Upon a Time season 4 hiatus draws to a close: Did you survive?

Earlier in the hiatus, Adam Horowitz and Eddie Kitsis teased that Emma’s light magic may be tested as season 4B unfolds. The heroine sort of fell into her role as The Savior, born the product of true love and having Snow White and Prince Charming as your parents, sort of sets you on the track for good. But even Snow White has a few skeletons in her closet.

Emma does have a track record of running with people of Dark lineages. Even if Hook, Neal, and Regina can break from their pasts, Emma never had a chance to dabble in the darkness. Sometimes you just need a break from stopping curses, you know?

At least for the start of season 4B, Emma will resume her life on the side of good, working to help Regina and Henry find the Author while Storybrooke tries to regain a sense of normalcy. Or at least attempt to figure out what “normal” actually is.

Watch Once Upon a Time season 4, episode 13, “Darkness on the Edge of Town,” Sunday, March 1 at 8:00 p.m. ET on ABC.

Which side do you want to see Emma Swan on when ‘Once Upon a Time’ returns?