Once Upon a Time will not air a new episode tonight, but we take a look ahead at next week’s all new episode.

Happy endings are not easy to come by. Once Upon a Time‘s fourth season is flipping the idea of what happiness looks like on its head. The Charmings, the couple held up as the epitome of what a happy ending looks like, isn’t all flowers and singing birds.

Just as Once Upon a Time checks off the answers to most questions fans conjured up over the first half of the season, they continue to pile up just as many. In case you cannot keep up with what we have answers to and what we do not, here are some questions we still need answers to.

First, the Author. Emma freed the Author in last week’s episode, but this is not the first author nor will he be the last. The Author is not one being who came into the world destined to document the lives of the various characters in the Enchanted Forest. Rather, it is a position given to people over time by the Sorcerer and his Apprentice.

This Author took his responsibilities a bit too lightly and got himself locked up. So, what does that mean for the book? It seems that the Author was locked up during Snow White’s pregnancy. Plenty of events unfolded during that time, but who was keeping track? Was there another Author appointed during his imprisonment?

Which events did the Author manipulate? The Apprentice certainly knows what the Author was up to. Perhaps the Author was looking to keep Maleficent at bay by forcing the Charmings to get mixed up in a bit of trouble. Rather than documenting, he was letting his own creative energy into the pages. Real life in the Enchanted Forest just wasn’t interesting enough!

Related: Once Upon a Time season 4, episode 17 recap: Feeding the pain

Robin Hood, oh Robin Hood, where are you? In the coming weeks we will see what Robin Hood has been up to and how he and Marian made it to New York. We’re not exactly sure why everyone feels the need to get to a city nearly eight hours away. Boston is certainly closer, but that question is the least of our worries. We’ll be seeing Robin, at least in flashback form, when the story continues next week as he travels to Oz for an elixir for Gold.

What is going on with Gold? In the last episode, Gold approached Belle when she was under the sleeping spell and explained that he has to step up his plans because something in the game has changed. With the Author on the loose he must make sure to get a hold of him before Emma does. Although, the Author knows their stories better than they do, so could the Author already have his allegiance assigned?

As for the remaining Queens of Darkness, Regina’s time with them is up. In the coming weeks, Gold will use a major bargaining chip over Regina to eliminate her power as a threat from their operation. What is that chip exactly? We can assure you that it is not Henry. Maybe Gold has a bit of goodness lurking within about the safety of his grandson, but not enough to extend that courtesy to his mother.

Watch the promo for next week’s episode here and speculate amongst yourselves (or in the comments!)

Once Upon a Time season 4, episode 19, “Heart of Gold,” returns next Sunday at 8:00 p.m. ET on ABC.