Another clouded curse is making its way to Storybrooke, but how will the residents face this one? Find out on tonight’s Once Upon a Time season 4,episode 9, “Fall.”

Tonight’s Once Upon a Time becomes a race against the cloud of shattered glass making its way towards Storybrooke. Emma and Elsa may be immune, but the rest of the town needs to develop a thick skin in order to face their darker sides.

Previously on ‘Once Upon a Time’

Two weeks ago, Once Upon a Time‘s two-hour special tied the arc of season 4 together with three yellow bows. Ingrid’s plan to rebuild a magical family with sisters whose magic has cast fear in their loved ones’ eyes is one step closer to success now that Emma’s plan to give up her magic is foiled. Rumpelstiltskin’s insistence that he will strive to change for the better is completely off the table now that he has the key to his freedom. To separate himself from his dagger he must obtain the heart of the man who knew him before he was the Dark One. With Hook’s heart in his hands, the outlook for Captain Hook and Emma Swan does not look promising.

This week on ‘Once Upon a Time’

Prepare yourself for more than one painful goodbye on tonight’s episode. As the Spell of Shattered Sight makes its way toward the town center, a plan is hatched to separate everyone in order to prevent their uncensored thoughts becoming vocalized. But another fate awaits the town at the end of the spell that may make a few harsh words seem appealing.

Preview tonight’s goodbyes and find out what the stars have to say! Once Upon a Time season 4: Will Storybrooke survive the shatter?

Synopsis: “As the Spell of Shattered Sight approaches Storybrooke, Mary Margaret and David rally the residents to prepare for the curse while Belle and the fairies work together on an antidote. Gold, with Hook as his reluctant servant, sets about an exit strategy of his own. Regina and Robin Hood ready themselves for the worst while, with the help of a locator spell, Emma and Elsa search desperately for Anna. In Arendelle, Anna and Kristoff awaken to find that their kingdom is once again in danger.”

Watch Once Upon a Time season 4,episode 9, “Fall,” tonight at 8:00 p.m. ET on ABC.