Once Upon a Time‘s season 4 premiere just aired on ABC. Get all the details on your favorite Storybrooke characters with our full recap!

Arendelle, oh Arendelle: When the parents are away for any prolonged period of time in a Disney movie, you can almost assume the worst outcome. As Anna and Elsa’s family sets sail, the ship is taken down by a monstrous storm. Before the ship goes down, the girls’ mother writes a letter explaining the destination she and the king were hoping to reach and the secret they kept from their girls.

In present day Arendelle, Anna and Elsa prepare for the wedding of the former ice man and the princess of the land. Elsa surprises Anna with their mother’s wedding dress. Stored in an attic high in the castle, it is not the only relic of their mother’s past that survives. A diary containing their mother’s description of Elsa’s condition and the need to find answers. Elsa interprets the recording as her mother’s confirmation that she saw Elsa as a monster.

More harm than good: Regina’s confrontation with Marian and Robin’s reunion sends her into a spiral of emotion. Emma, refusing to apologize for saving someone’s life, finally hears Regina’s side of the tale. Even after all the progress in the past year, the woman she was in the Enchanted Forest is always going to overpower her presence. Regina is asking the ultimate question for the season: Can the villain ever have a happy ending?

Robin tries to console Marian and Regina, but his vow to Marian, until death, is a code that he must stick to, no matter how in love with Regina he currently finds himself.

Welcome to Storybrooke: Elsa’s emotions have more control over her powers than even she knows what to do with. Grumpy and Sleepy saw her powers firsthand when she froze their car to prevent a collision. As she enters Storybrooke’s town center, cars and people fluster her in fear and she leaves an icy trail to her location.

As Mary Margaret and David take Neal out for a stroll, Emma joins along to discuss her potential with Hook and what is to be done about Regina. And speak of the devil, Hook shows up alongside the happy family to ask for a word with Miss Swan. Perhaps she should take Hook’s advice and start living “during the crisis.” Especially, in Storybrooke where one minute you are trying to talk about your romantic kiss at Granny’s and the next a giant snow monster is out to get you.

Mirror, Mirror: Regina’s future with Robin may not be visible, but her past, on the other hand, is something that can be manipulated. A visit to Sidney Glass should take care of her questions surrounding Marian’s imprisonment. Taken from his confinement and transferred to one of another kind, Regina’s mirror looks to the past to reveal that Marian was taken prisoner because she refused to give up Snow White.

A grand adventure: Rumpelstiltskin and Belle are off to celebrate their marriage, but first Rumpel stops by Bealfire’s grave to pay his respects. In a touching moment, Rumpel recalls when he came to him one night in fear. Swearing on his son’s sacrifice, Rumpel vows to always be the man he died for and promises to follow in his heroism.

Belle takes Rumpel to a castle that must have found its way back to Storybrooke, but no one has claimed it yet. Inside the grand library, Rumpel invites Belle to their first dance as husband and wife. With a snap of his fingers, he takes on the blue dress coat, and Belle the yellow gown. The music of Beauty and the Beast begins to play and Rumpel spins her around the floor.

Meanwhile, in Arendelle, Elsa and Anna take their mother’s diary to the rock trolls. Pabbie, in his full Disney form, rolls out to inspect the diary. He insists that Anna’s mother was not running from Elsa’s powers, but instead running to find answers about them. (And that Kristoff will not smell like that forever.) They went to the land known to them as Mist Haven. Anna’s mind is set. Wedding or not, she is going to find that land.

The Happy Ending: With the mirror trapped, Regina discovers that she needs to find the author of the storybook. If it gave Snow her happy ending, why can’t it help her?

Meanwhile in the forest the snow monster is on a relentless attack of the Robin’s camp. Feeding off of their fear, the camp is knocked out, all but Marian. Regina shows up in time to destroy the monster, sparing her life. If Marian will not listen, at least she can see Regina’s change for herself.

Emma wanders off and Hook tails her, reminding her that the crisis is over, and it’s time to stop avoiding him with excuses. She jibes that they can go home and see what’s on Netflix (um…YES) but to Hook’s dismay, Emma immediately follows that what they are facing is not over. But will it ever be?

Sealed with a kiss and a request to be patient, Hook takes what he can get. After all, he has “all the time in the world.” Unless another monster appears and kills him.

Emma goes to find Regina (in a very Frozen closed door discussion) and promises that as the Savior, Emma’s job is to bring back the happy endings to Storybrooke, even for Regina.

Elsa recognizes Gold’s face and ventures into his shop where she finds a necklace, once belonging to her mother among the items. Clearly, we have MUCH more to discover here! Speaking of odds and ends, in the abandoned house, Belle sleeps soundly while Rumpel goes to inspect a knick-knack that caught his eye. A small item, covered with stars reveals a much more magical item that any Disney fan would recognize in a heartbeat. The Sorcerer’s hat!

Could Rumple be in possession of yet another item with immense power? AND, more importantly, is Yen Sid, the teacher of Mickey Mouse in the Sorcerer’s Apprentice, the author of the Storybook?

Speculate away!

Watch Once Upon a Time season 4, episode 2 “White Out” next Sunday, October 5 at 8:00 p.m. ET on ABC.