Once Upon a Time returns the focus to the Wicked Witch’s plan to ruin Regina’s life. Read our preview and check out a sneak peek clip below!

If only Zelena had the brain, the heart, and nerve to bring her a sense of home. Well on her way to obtaining the key items to unleash her diabolical plan to remove Regina from the picture and have the life she always desired.

Previously on ‘Once Upon a Time’

The Hook-centric episode, “The Jolly Roger” left off with a new complication in Emma and Hook’s continuing flirtation. During the lost year, Hook tries to wipe Emma from his mind and gain back his second greatest love, his ship. Rallying his best mate, Mr. Smee, Hook gains another comrade, Ariel, who informs the duo that Blackbeard has her prince captive aboard the Jolly Roger.

Hook, feeling he lost touch with his pirate past, makes the decision to let Prince Eric perish and take back his ship. Haunted with the memory of his selfish actions, Hook admits to his deceit in the present day when Ariel returns to Storybrooke. However, he uncovers that Ariel is living happily ever after off the coast, while Zelena casts a curse on Hook’s lips that will drain Emma of her powers when he kisses her.

This week on ‘Once Upon a Time’

Zelena moves along with her plan to create a spell that requires key items straight from the Wizard of Oz. Already in possession of David’s courage and Regina’s heart, Zelena sets her sights on the brain of Rumpelstiltskin.

The residents of Storybrooke are unaware of the details of Zelena’s plan and turn to the only source they can think of for answers. However, that may require visiting the “other side” to have a chat with Cora.

Check out our photo preview for tonight’s all new episode!

Watch Once Upon a Time season 3, episode 18, “Bleeding Through,” tonight at 8 p.m. ET on ABC