Share your thoughts on tonight’s Once Upon a Time episode “Selfless, Brave and True,” and watch the promo for “Lacey.”

In this episode, Eion Bailey returned as August, and not only did we learn that he had been hiding out, wooden, all this time, but we also found out through flashbacks what he did with his life in between arriving in the real world and making contact with Emma as an adult.

Meanwhile in Storybrooke, Neal had to explain the truth about where he came from to his fiancee Tamara, who had arrived in town – much to Emma’s dismay.

In the next episode, Belle takes center stage – or should we say Lacey? Her Storybrooke alter ego struggles with the fact that everyone seems to know who she is while she herself has no idea… and a new iconic fairytale character is introduced: Robin Hood! Sadly we have to wait almost a month to meet him, as the show enters another break, and will return April 21.

Watch the promo for “Lacey”:

What did you think about “Selfless, Brave and True”?

Don’t forget to check out Hypable’s Once Upon a Time podcast Onceable, which discusses each episode of Once Upon a Time as they air. Listen to last week’s show, where the hosts recapped the Storybrooke flashback episode “Welcome to Storybrooke” here.

You can also discuss Once Upon a Time as well as all the other fandoms we cover over on the Hypable forums!