Once Upon a Time‘s midseason finale was an absolute hit, and we’d like to point out why the show is now headed in the best direction it’s gone all series long.

Spoilers for those of you who haven’t seen last night’s midseason finale!

When Once Upon a Time started its run in 2011 everyone was really excited about the possibilities it held. Our favorite fairy tale characters… but in our world? With completely different and original stories? What a grand idea! And as the series continued onwards there were definitely high roads, and then there were some low ones. As the series progressed into its third season the magic started to wear off, but now ABC has brought the magic back to our favorite characters.

When the show returns on March 9 (ugh, so far!) we’ll find our favorite characters back in the Enchanted Forest after Regina finally broke the curse that sent them all to Storybrooke. But with the curse now broken Regina has to pay the ultimate price: Not being able to see Henry. And because of this, neither Henry nor Emma can go back to the Enchanted Forest, nor can they keep their memories of Storybrooke and the rest of the characters they’ve met along the way. But they do at least get to live their lives happily in New York City. That is, until Hook comes knocking on Emma’s door to tell her that her family is in danger once again!

This was definitely the best plot twist and story arc they’ve had all series long, and for several reasons.

New Adventures in New York

This plot turn takes the show and spins it 180 degrees, making it almost a completely different show! The fact that Emma and Henry have no idea what’s happened the past couple years will bring a fantastic sense of adventure as they struggle to accept Hook for who he is and how to get back to the enchanted forest. You have a kid who has the truest heart who, yeah, would probably believe Hook when he told him what’s up, but then you have Emma who’s always been skeptical. Getting her back to the Enchanted Forest could very well be a lot harder than it was for Henry to get her to bring him home back in season one.

Back Where They Belong

Our beloved fairy tale characters are now going to be back in the Enchanted Forest! That’s AMAZING! We’ll no longer have to suffer through stories of random town residents realizing who they are and then coming to terms with their new lives, but now we’ll get actual origin stories without the bother of the fake town! There are so many more characters that were in Storybrooke that we’d wanted to explore, and now we can do that in a more natural and appealing way than it’s been done the previous two seasons. For us, it’s way more appealing to see a character go back home and reconnect with their old lives than seeing them deal with the fake one.

Wicked Witch of the West!

We all saw it in the trailer, and it made us extremely giddy! It would make sense that now because they’re back in the Enchanted Forest and Regina isn’t after ending the happiness there’d be a new baddie in town. When Regina made a reference to the green witch earlier in the season some of us got excited, and it seems that excitement was well deserved! We can’t wait to see how they twist the story of the Wicked Witch and bring her to life in Once Upon a Time‘s Enchanted Forest.

What do you think of ‘Once Upon a Time’s’ plot twist?