Once Upon a Time in Wonderland continues to mix the past and present this week. The latest batch of stills places Alice back in life outside of Wonderland.

This week’s Once Upon a Time in Wonderland‘s episode title, “Who’s Alice?” offers a bit of insight into Alice’s return to reality. Prior to her mission to save Cyrus, Alice is in the custody of doctors in an asylum. Take a glimpse into the time before this moment as Alice tries to adjust to life where use of the imagination is frowned upon.
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Alice’s flashback to her time in England following Cyrus’ staged death, shows the distance that lingers between her father and herself. And who are the other people in her father’s life? Perhaps they are replacements for Alice’s constant absence when she adventures in Wonderland. Alice appears to be out of place in her stiff blue dress surrounded by proper English ladies and men. She is certainly better suited for the life of a warrior in Wonderland!

Alice is not the only person revisiting England this week. Recall that last week Jafar ordered the White Rabbit to create a portal to the land that Alice came from. Maybe a visit to the doctors who attempted to “treat” Alice by wiping her memory will be able to give Jafar the advantage he needs over Alice’s weak heart.

The father Alice desperately desires to please is no longer safe without her around to defend him against the world he cannot imagine for himself.

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland season 1, episode 6 “Who’s Alice?” airs this Thursday, November 21 at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.

Which world do you think Alice belongs in on ‘Once Upon a Time in Wonderland’?