Get ready to forget everything you thought you know about Pinocchio, , because Once Upon a Time is gonna put its mark on the classic story. Beware of spoilers.

SpoilerTV has released some spoilery set photos from the upcoming episode 1×20 “The Stranger,” which show Gepetto finding Pinocchio washed up on the shore.

Now, there’s several ways this could go. As we know, Jiminy Cricket’s story is intricately tied to Gepetto’s, so it could likely be an Archie-centric episode, or a Gepetto/Pinocchio-centric one. However, the title “The Stranger” seems to indicate that it’ll be about August. So is August a grown-up Pinocchio?

Or are you still saying he’s Rumpelstiltskin’s son and/or the writer of the fairytale book?