Once Upon a Time will soon return with the second half of season 2! Read the titles of two upcoming episodes that hint at the characters involved.

One half of Once Upon a Time‘s showrunner team Adam Horowitz has tweeted the titles of the two episodes. The title for 2×14 has us crazy with speculation:

Seeing as Henry’s dad Neal Cassidy is currently in New York, will this be the episode which focuses on his backstory, or his journey to Storybrooke? Or, if he is indeed Bae, could Rumpelstiltskin be traveling to Manhattan to find his son? And what will Emma do, once she meets up with Neal again and learns the truth about why he left her?

Horowitz also revealed the title of the following episode, 2×15:

This one is particularly intriguing. The two questions we immediately have are: which Queen, and when is this happening? Is it Cora who dies in present day? Or perhaps Snow White’s mother in a flashback? Or could it even be Aurora’s mother, or another Queen we haven’t met yet?

We’re very excited to find out what these titles mean! Once Upon a Time returns Jan. 6 with the episode “The Cricket Game.”