Once Upon a Time ties another story to the Fairytale land and Neverland tonight that may hold the key to Henry’s rescue. Catch up on Pan’s latest moves and Ariel’s debut below!

Tonight’s Once Upon a Time connects a few more dots in the Fairytale storyline as well as the mission to save Henry. A familiar face appears in the waters off the coast of Prince Eric’s castle to offer a gullible mermaid a deal. With some notable nods to the Disney classic, this retelling of The Little Mermaid connects more than just a few characters. Ariel’s arrival may mark a turning point in the mission to save Henry!

Legs if by Land, Fins if by Sea: On the run yet again from the Queen’s guards, Snow makes an impulsive decision to jump into the sea, where she is rescued by a friendly sea-dweller. Ariel makes her Once Upon a Time premiere with an almost too-close to Disney retelling of The Little Mermaid. Snow and Ariel arrive on the shore where Ariel reveals her collection of “whoseits and whatsits galore” including an invitation to Prince Eric’s annual ball. The theme of the party pays tribute to the sea-witch Ursula, a mythical guardian of the sea. Snow agrees to repay Ariel by helping her get ready for the dance.

Once Ariel learns the difference between a fork and a mini trident, she is encouraged by Snow to talk to Eric. As the shipwreck victims reunite, Eric informs Ariel that Ursula must have sent an image of Ariel’s face to him as a vision of his future. Like every budding relationship of five minutes, Eric invites Ariel to travel the world with him beginning tomorrow morning.

Unfortunately for Ariel, the ancient sea-witch Ursula only allows mermaids to walk on land for 12 hours between the two highest tides. As her night comes to a close, she is left with an ultimatum: Meet Eric at the ship or leave him heartbroken at sea. Ariel goes to the shore and tries to speak to a long lost myth asking for advice. Ursula, or Regina disguised as Ursula, arises from the sea and makes a deal with the mermaid. Regina does a great impression of the 1989 sea-witch’s “BAH!”

When Ariel finds Snow by the shore, Ariel clasps a bracelet around her wrist, giving Snow a fin and Ariel the security of legs for her journey with Eric. Ariel believes that she has done the right thing in offering Snow a new life away from her Evil Queen, but she soon discovers the true identity of Ursula. Ariel helps rescue Snow, and when they escape from Regina in the sea, Snow requests that Ariel still pursue her true love as a mermaid.

Ariel arrives and attempts to yell for Eric on his balcony, however, her voice is gone. Regina captures her voice as payment for letting Snow get away from her once again. While Regina may appear to have the upper hand here, it comes at a cost from the mythical sea-urchin. Ursula comes through Regina’s magic mirror and requests Regina never speak in her name again.

Between Realms: Two of the most powerful magicians against one teenager, how hard can it be? When Pan is the teenager in question, the answer is “near impossible.” Regina discovers Mr. Gold talking to Belle, or the person he assumes is Belle. Regina reveals that the shadow actually took the shape of Belle to fool Gold into going home. However, there is one item at home that may hold the key to Pan’s undoing. But how are they going to get there?

Regina calls on a deed she imposed in the past to help her cause in the future. When Ariel arrives on the shores of Neverland, Regina gives her back her voice and a chance to be reunited and walk with Eric on land in the place he currently resides, Storybrooke. She must only complete one quick task while she is there.

“The deeper the secret, the more truth in its echo:” After the split from Regina, Hook continues on his honorable path. Mary Margaret and David learn from Hook that Neal is alive and are hesitant to believe that Pan is telling the truth. Hook assures them that the power behind that secret for his own life assures that the news is true. Mary Margaret is unable to keep the secret for long and tells Emma because she thinks she deserves to know.

Mary Margaret and Emma set out behind the boys following a trail of broken twigs and scuff marks. Emma reveals to Mary Margaret that she kissed Hook, but she describes it as a need to move on from the incident of Neal’s death (which was only a week ago according to Regina’s timeline). Mary Margaret explains that Emma needs to keep hope alive for the happy ending that she deserves with Neal.

At the Echo Cave, Hook prepares the crew for the secrets they must reveal in order to pass through to save Neal. Hook goes first, admitting that he and Emma not only shared a kiss, but that moment revealed to him that he will be able to move on from his first love to find happiness with someone else. (Swoon!) Mary Margaret is second, explaining to David that while she is grateful for every day with Emma, she is miserable that she missed out on all of the firsts. She wants to have another baby with David and watch their child grow. As Mary Margaret spills her soul and audiences cringe with each word, David steps in to reveal that at the conclusion of the trip he will not be able to leave Neverland.

Emma reaches Neal through the honesty of the others, but she is left to reveal her secret to finally set him free. She drops the bomb on Neal that she secretly wished he was dead because then it would easier to push the pain away and move on. Neal accepts her truth, but the others in the crew have a bit more growing to do. Pan’s plan to turn them against each other from the inside is at work.

Next week, Storybrooke comes back to aid in the rescue of Henry! Check out the promo below:

Watch Once Upon a Time season 3, episode 7 “Dark Hollow” Sunday, November 10 at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.

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Did ‘Once Upon a Time’ stick too closely to the Disney version of ‘The Little Mermaid?’