Ships this week are lead by Once Upon a Time, Scandal, Arrow, and more. Every week, ships, A.K.A. relationships, are highlighted on our favorite TV shows. Which were your favorite partners and pairings this week?

Did your favorite ship sail this week, did a new one launch, or did yours sadly sink? If you love shipping, you know the drama that shipping wars bring. Your ships don’t have to be canon for you to love them, and that’s half the fun.

Remember, if we didn’t include your favorite, give a suggestion to the writer who usually covers your fandom in the recap discussion or in the comments below.

‘Arrow’ – All Aboard Olicity

Passengers: Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak

Sunset Cruise: Oliver finally asked Felicity out on a real date! However, their date was interrupted by the restaurant exploding. Though Oliver tried to keep hope alive for the pair of them, Felicity demanded he stop “dangling maybes.” Despite a pretty epic kiss and Oliver begging Felicity not to ask him to say he doesn’t love her, Felicity ended things.

Ship Status: After what seemed like a successful official launch, the ship ran into technical issues before leaving the harbor and had to turn around for repairs. Call this one the USS Frustration!

Via: Tumblr
Arrow season 3, episode 1

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ – All Aboard MerDer

Passengers: Meredith Grey and Derek Shepherd

Sunset Cruise: Meredith and Derek are tiptoeing around their issues and each other ever since Derek decided to give up his job offer in Washington, D.C. Remaining in Seattle is what he thought was best for Meredith, his kids, and ultimately him. Meredith sees the decision as a forfeit on his part that forces both of them to lose the battle. Derek is miserable and lashing out at his sister, while Meredith is turning her problems over to tequila and Alex. The tension is ready to burst and next week’s promo does not bode well for the long time lovers.

Ship Status: MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY. This one isn’t sunk yet, but it’s sure looking that way cause there are multiple holes stern to bow.

Grey’s Anatomy season 11, episode 3
Via: Tumblr

‘Scandal’ – All Aboard Cyrus and Michael

Passengers: Cyrus Beene and Micahel…who needs last names when you’re this hot.

Sunset Cruise: You’re thirsty but you’re not here for a drink” could have been the quote of the night. Cyrus’ new boy toy has been tempting him with sex this season, and it’s been working, but what is Lizzie up to with Cyrus?

Ship Status: We’re sailing on the you’re never too old, but keep an eye on the stern. You never know what will sneak up behind you.

Scandal season 4, episode 3
Via: Tumblr

‘Once Upon a Time’ – All Aboard CaptainSwan

Passengers: Emma and Hook

Sunset Cruise: This week, Hook jibes at the ice wall cast by Elsa, that if he were to wait for Emma to sit down for a quiet meal he may never get a date. David and Hook reach an understanding that whatever the terms of their relationship end up being, Emma has as much of say as Hook does. If looks of fear and desperation could melt ice, the wall would be down in seconds after meeting Hook’s gaze after Emma is trapped. After breaking the ice wall, the two did not lose contact, minus a quick run for a heater, the rest of the episode.

Ship Status: Could these two possibly, at long last be heading below deck for some alone time? Well, as much alone time as you get on an ABC/Disney/Sunday show!

Once Upon a Time season 4, episode 2
Via: Tumblr

What were your favorite ships on television this week?