Once Upon a Time fans are awaiting the appearance of some Disney fan favourites, including Ariel from The Little Mermaid. Could we be meeting her soon?

Following the Once Upon a Time season 2 finale, in which the main characters sailed off to Neverland, series creator Ed Kitsis has spoken to EW about the possible addition of Ariel as one of the fabled Neverland mermaids.

While he won’t confirm or deny, Kitsis does admit that Ariel is one of the writers’ favourite characters, and that, “We have ideas for [her].” However, “When we introduce her is up in the air because we’re still figuring out what we want to do.”

Kitsis also promises that Ariel’s story won’t be by the book. “The thing that we love to do and that we will continue to do is, we do love to be able to say, here’s the backstory of an iconic character, but it’s not what you think,” he says.

Would you like to see Ariel cross over with Peter Pan and show up in Neverland to either help or hinder our heroes in their quest to save Henry from the smoke monster shadow creature?

Also check out our list of other iconic fairytale characters we’d like to see in season 3 of Once Upon a Time.