Who will die? How does Emma fit into the new Enchanted Forest? And what about Will? These are just some questions we need answers to in the Once Upon a Time season 4 finale.

In case you have not been watching the latter half of Once Upon a Time season 4, a lot has happened since we left Arendelle and turned our attention to the quest for the Author. As we head into the final two hours of the season, our major problem can be stated in five words: We Have So Many Questions. With those questions comes the expectation for answers, but so far every week since March, Once Upon a Time has answered far less questions than it has posed.

We ask our most pressing questions here, but will the finale answer them?

How will Emma fit into the new Enchanted Forest?

Emma is present in the new Enchanted Forest and winds up locked away in a tower, from what we can see in the promo for this week’s finale. But is she still the child of Snow White and Prince Charming in this tale? Henry still exists, perhaps in an alternate universe, but will Emma know that he is her child or will they meet again for the first time in the finale? Emma and Regina will also become companions in the Enchanted Forest and work together against Rumpel. What is their ultimate goal?

What are the rules for the Author?

Now that the Author has his ink, why does he need to follow what Gold, or anyone for that matter, instructs him to do? We suspect that there is a rule in place wherein he cannot take the ink and a blank book and run off to write whatever he pleases. What ties him to write another’s tale? And if he can choose whose story to write, why is Gold his first choice? If we were him, we’d run off to write the story Emma wants. She seems to have a majority of the town’s best interest at heart. Hopefully we will learn what drives the Author to pledge his allegiance to Gold.

Who is Lily’s father?

How did Maleficent create that dragon egg in the first place? Lily and her mother share a great deal of magical ability, but perhaps her father’s side is responsible for some of her spark!

Who is the Sorcerer?

This has been a question on our minds since the Sorcerer’s hat made its first appearance many, many, episodes ago. The Apprentice’s story has given us little insight to the great mind behind the hat and their control over the Author. In fact, we are not even sure what the role of the Apprentice truly entails. On the surface he is a glorified personal assistant, who is not paid well and works long unpredictable hours. We expect to meet this mysterious being by season’s end.

Wait… How exactly does Henry fit into this story?

When Gold envisions his new story, is his only blood relative important enough to include in his happy ending? Riding around the Enchanted Forest fulfilling the trope of the heroic knight who gets the girl is one thing. But will Gold take a minute to consider how Baelfire and Henry’s lineage fit into his new life?

Henry is very much alive in the promotional material and even makes his way back into the Enchanted Forest. The boy that Snow and Regina discuss in this week’s sneak peek may very well be Henry. Perhaps he is the key to bringing them all back to the status quo. His place in the new universe is one answer we are highly anticipating.

Why did Rumpel choose to go back to the Enchanted Forest?

We may know the answer to this one. Regina mentioned in the last episode that her happy ending includes feeling accepted and loved wherever she chooses to call home. With Henry, Robin, and the rest of the town finally on her side, her happy ending was close to coming true without the Author’s help.

For Rumpel, the place he never felt accepted was in the Enchanted Forest. If his happy ending includes having the girl and the appreciation of his fellow townspeople, the Enchanted Forest is certainly where he felt the most abandoned and outcast. But is that really his reasoning?

Where will the Dark One go?

If Rumpel rewrites his story does that include transferring the Dark One to another being? We are sure that The Dark One’s rules cannot be rewritten at whim and that the spirit needs to inhabit another poor soul’s body. Rumpel’s happy ending cannot exist while the darkness exists inside of him so where does that darkness go?

Should we stop holding out hope for Will Scarlett?

The answer to this seems like a resounding yes, but never say never. When it was announced that Will Scarlett was making the jump from Wonderland to Storybrooke fans were excited to see how the thief’s story would fit into the new universe. But one of this season’s greatest let downs is in execution of this storyline. Edward Kitsis and Eddie Horowitz even said in an interview recently that Will is nothing more than a rebound for Belle. We don’t expect his story to unfold by season’s end, so the question remains, “Why invite Will to the party at all?”


We do not expect any clarification to how to the time line and parallel universes work. That requires a dissertation level explanation that cannot be expected in the confines of two hours. It would be nice to know, though. Wouldn’t it?

Who will die and who is walking down the aisle?

In our Once Upon a Time season 4 finale: What we know post, we mention that a death, permanent or temporary, will happen by season’s end. We also know that there will be a wedding that takes place, or at least is expected to! Some promotional photos not available on ABC’s site already hint at who the wedding will be between, but for those who wish to speculate, please do so in the comments below!

We’re sure that there are far more questions that will arise before the two hours are up, but these are the most pressing on our minds for the season 4 finale! What are some of yours?

Watch Once Upon a Time season 4, episode 22, “Operation Mongoose Part One and Two,” Sunday, May 10 at 8:00 p.m. ET on ABC.