Once Upon a Time‘s return is just over a month away and the arc for the second half is filling out as more characters are revealed. Find out who is joining the ranks to play a young Prince Leopold!

A Once Upon a Time flashback is set to take place in season 3, episode 18, “Bleeding Through,” and Eric Lange, (Stuart Radzinsky, LOST) is set to fill the shoes of Prince Leopold. Lange joins fellow Lost castaway Rebecca Mader, who will bring the villainous force from the West to life.

When it comes to finding the right woman to marry, Snow White’s young father will not settle for anyone off the street. In the flashback, Leopold’s search will show a respectful lad. Almost reminds us of a certain man Snow found… How sweet!

Earlier this month we reported that a young Cora, played by Rose McGowan, will return to the show. It looks as though creators Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz have a lot to reveal for our newly relocated characters. At the close of the winter finale, Storybrooke ceased to exist and Emma woke up in New York with Henry and no memory of the people or the place.

Now that the storybook characters are back in the Enchanted Forest, their lives are about to mix with the dwellers of the land. Regina, fresh off fighting the evil doings of Peter Pan to protect her son, now turns her attention to another enemy that will test her own dark heart against the wickedness of another witch. More is set to be shown of Regina’s lineage when Cora returns in episode 18.

There is still plenty of time to catch up on past episodes of Once Upon a Time! Read our recaps and check back for the latest news.

Watch Once Upon a Time‘s season 3 spring premiere, “New York City Serenade” Sunday, March 9 at 8 p.m. ET on ABC