Once Upon a Time goes 20,000 leagues under the sea when Captain Nemo makes his debut in 6×06, “Dark Waters.”

No one has an easy home life in Once Upon a Time. The Jones get a bit of screen time as Killian and Henry escape the Nautilus in “Dark Waters.”

We are not exactly sure what anyone plans to do about anything in this show. We do not know what the Evil Queen wants. I’m not ever sure we know what Emma or Hook or anyone in that family wants.

They all agree that Emma should live as long as possible. I am willing to put money on that since I am sure the ABC executives agree. But with plots stirring and ending within two episodes it is hard to grasp onto anything in season 6.

We are over a quarter of the way through the season now. I want to say Aladdin revealed something about the Savior mythology. I want to say Zelena and the Evil Queen are plotting a hostile takeover of Storybrooke. Hell, I even want to say that Rumpel and Belle worked out their issues and are now happily expecting a baby boy.

“Dark Waters” is a nice departure from the norm with an emotional arc to its story, an unlikely pairing, and yet another transfer of magical objects. However, it was far from perfect.

The pirate, the brother, and the captain

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea presents the adventurer Captain Nemo and his crew aboard the Nautilus. Once catches up with Nemo in the midst of his adventures for a magical key. Yes, another key to the Land of Untold Stories.

The stakes were… well, they were less than high. Why the crew needed to kidnap Hook and take him on a small hike is still beyond me. The trip on the Nautilus, however, did prove the show is capable of great CGI.

Once aboard the Nautilus, Hook immediately finds himself on the receiving end of a family guilt lecture. Have you ever shown up for Thanksgiving dinner single for the 100th year in row? Where is your boyfriend? Don’t you want a family? You should really settle down now! That one heartbreak won’t last forever!

Yeah, Hook gets grilled by Grandpa Nemo about his family plan once the vengeance subsides and tries to set him up with his long lost half-brother Liam. But Hook wants nothing to do with this fake family and prefers to live a life alone at sea.

Build your own family

Hook may not want to accept the idea of a family built on vengeance and lucky keys. He does, however, want the family he chose for himself. One that just happens to includes an angsty teenage son and a woman with a crazy fairytale family.

Henry, on the other hand, lets the Evil Queen get inside his head. Revealing that Hook has stolen the scissors which could separate Emma from her fate, Henry realizes he has to do all the work around the house. That includes taking out the garbage and teaching the pointy handed freak how to hold an Xbox controller.

Henry and Hook’s relationship is something the show has yet to explore in depth. In fact, “Dark Waters” is the first time that Henry’s feelings are taken into consideration. Henry finally gets a say about what he wants his mother’s fate to be and how he feels about Hook.

No one ever thinks to search the kid in a kidnapping and they also never check with him on anything else. So, how does he feel about Hook? Just fine, apparently. Probably because the story needs to progress and heartfelt real moments in this show don’t actually hold any lasting meaning.

I know it sounds harsh, but just as Henry and Hook are about to make a meaningful connection, it all boils down to how Emma and Hook deal with their relationship. Sure, that’s important, too. But it is not as important as Henry feeling like he has a male figure in his home he can look up to and trust.

I guess David is around, but we have yet to see those two form any meaningful connection since their chat about the quill last season. Also, Henry still calls him grandpa and it is weird for everyone.

Operation: Give Henry a Storyline is my new wish for the 2016-2017 Once Upon a Time season.

Brother, father, sister, lover

Liam, Hook’s half-brother, finds his way back to Hook and Nemo in the end. The two halves of his family may be a bit worse for the ware, but I’m confident we will never see them again.

Regina and Zelena are back in action, but not exactly moving anything along for the season. Snow and Charming set Archie free, Regina gains possession of the sheers, and Belle gets an ultrasound!

Belle reconsidering Rumpel’s involvement in her life is something I do not have the strength to tackle. Understandably, the idea of facing parenthood alone is daunting for a mother. But Belle needs to recognize that there are other people in her life who are willing to be there in place of Rumpel.

Nothing good can result of the Dark One’s involvement. However, now that Rumpel has the sheers, can his fate and the fate of his unborn son, be altered? That’s what he seems to believe.

Two stray observations remain for this week’s episode — RUMPEL AND THE EVIL QUEEN KISSED. Nothing will ever be all right again. Aladdin is completely useless when it comes to Savior mythology.

What did you think of ‘Once Upon a Time’s’ dive into the sea?

Watch Once Upon a Time season 6, episode 7, “Heartless,” Sunday, November 6 at 8:00 p.m. ET on ABC.