Once Upon a Time season 5, episode 14 saw some unlikely parties join hands tonight. Find out what role Milah played in Operation Save Killian.

Love him or hate him, you cannot say that Rumpelstiltskin does not give Once Upon a Time good TV. “Devil’s Due” was not just about what was owed to Hades, but also about another due date. One that will affect an unsuspecting woman in Storybrooke in the very near future.

If you guessed that Emilie De Ravin’s pregnancy was going to be written into the show, kudos to you! What you probably did not account for was the deal that Rumpel made long ago in order to save his son from a poisonous snake bite. Before his second child is even born, Rumpel has already inadvertently sold him or her to the ruler of the Underworld. This guy cannot catch a break!

Rumpelstiltskin is the worst character on Once Upon a Time. Milah runs a tight race for second place, but Rumpel’s crimes have had plenty of time to add up over the years. As Rumpel says, he would not be the man he is today if he did not have the life he had with Milah in the past. If you had any doubts about the troubles of their marriage, where Milah’s priorities took a turn, or if Rumpel and Milah gave a damn about their only child, then look no further than “Devil’s Due.”

Why Rumpelstiltskin Is The Worst: A Guide

1. Rumpel sold his family plan:

This is not the worst of Rumpel’s offenses, but it is perhaps the most reasonable. He was in a loveless marriage. His wife despised him, his only son took pleasure in his company, what more could he expect from his life? Why give up a good thing? While this comes off as an extreme version of birth control, Rumpel’s deal did take away from Milah’s freewill to choose whether or not she wanted a bigger family with Rumpel.

Milah was not exactly encouraging of their future from the sidelines as she told Rumpel to stick to chasing dragonflies as she did all the household chores. Of course, Milah never wanted to hang out with Baelfire, hence her job to guard the dead children of the Underworld — what a cruel, morbid penance.

2. He kills Milah

Divorces are ugly. Children get hurt. But most people do not go around sending their ex-wives to a fate worse than death in order to return to their present wife. Milah and Rumpel had that heart-to-heart in the boat. They finally aired their grievances in a controlled and respectable manner with Milah expressing her regret over how she could never get back those wasted years with Baelfire. But that was not enough to sway Rumpel.

Though he deserves credit for every step leading up to the moment Hades arrives, he still killed Milah in cold blood to get what he wants.

3. Gold lies, yet again, to Hook and Crew

Okay look, this is the status quo, right? Rumpel does something seemingly nice, takes the praise and walks away. The real deal always comes back to bite him, but it is exhausting watching him get away with everyone looking at him a bit differently. Rumpel does go out of his way to assure the gathered party they are not in his debt, but that he merely sees them as being on a level playing field once more.

4. Gold cannot stick up for himself in front of Milah

Milah is a strong woman. She and Rumpel could not be more different. But when Emma takes Milah aside and spills the truth of Neal’s future to her, I couldn’t help but want Rumpel to be the first person Emma told that information to. Why Milah? Because everyone, including me, immediately jumps to excluding Rumpel from his own life because of the sins of his past. He had an opportunity here to jump in and shed some light on the second runner up in Neal’s “Worst Parent of the Year” awards, but he did not.

4. A deal with Hades

Rumpel has never shied away from a deal that would benefit him in his life. Take, for example, the one he made with Hades. Buy a one way ticket home in exchange for trapping the souls of his “friends” and family in the Underworld. With the knowledge that Belle is pregnant in Storybrooke, Rumpel quickly throws Henry, his grandson, under the bus with the rest of the hero gang to live out eternity under Hades’ watchful eye instead of his own. What happens when he returns to Storybrooke? Would Belle and the town buy some sob story about how valiantly he fought off Hades, but only he made it out alive? After all, they are not supposed to know he is still the Dark One.

Stray moments of note:

? Emma, Regina, and Snow are dead. Their souls are tied to the Underworld, meaning that Hades took matters into his own hands once Killian refused to sacrifice anyone.

? Emma and Killian reunited, finally.

? Two out of three ain’t bad. Daniel and Neal are enjoying some poker every Tuesday night in the afterlife, but Milah, unfortunately, is living among the lost souls of the world for all eternity. Now that we are moved on from first loves, it is time to focus on second love and the future therein.

? Hades is finally the Hades we all deserve.

Watch Once Upon a Time season 4, episode 15, “The Brothers Jones,” Sunday, March 17 at 8:00 p.m. ET on ABC.