Can you find the light in the dark? Find the truth in our Once Upon a Time season 5, episode 12, “Souls of the Departed” teaser.

Once Upon a Time‘s fifth season has done its best to snuff out the light in Storybrooke. As we watched Emma struggle to navigate her darkest days and ultimately send Hook to face his, it seemed that light magic took a vacation for first 11 episodes of the season. Now that Emma is free from the Dark One’s grip, it’s time for her to resurrect her light magic and amend for what she has done. It’s time to save Hook.

Think you know what will happen in Once Upon a Time‘s spring premiere? Here we present two lies and one truth. Let us know which story you think will appear when the heroes arrive in the Underworld in “Souls of the Departed.”

Scenario Number 1: Cora meets her match

We’ve encountered some powerful beings throughout Once Upon a Time‘s five seasons. Merlin, a legion of Dark Ones, the Sorcerer, the Author, Regina, and Emma, just to name a few. Cora, though banished to Wonderland and eventually killed by Snow White, is still a force to be reckoned with even well beyond her livelier years.

When we meet up with Cora in the Underworld, she is seemingly in a position of power. Seated behind the mayor’s desk overlooking the town below, Cora holds her throne once again. But everything in the Underworld is slightly skewed. With Hades making his debut, it is high time for a new big bad, one with a short fuse, to step into the picture. If you think Cora, Regina, and Rumpel behave selfishly just wait until you meet this hot head.

Scenario Number 2: Peter Pan and Cruella have joined forces

What havoc could the boy who never grew up and the woman who controls animals wreak? While the pair wait to resolve their unfinished business with Emma and Rumpel, Pan and Cruella have discovered a way to pass the time in purgatory — dealing magical objects. Like son, like father, right? With Pan stepping into Rumpel’s shop down below, it makes sense that he would find a way to manipulate his predicament to his advantage.

Cruella has the means to get around town, with her trusty “De Vil” mobile making the trek to the afterlife, while Pan has the knack for cutting deals. If it’s potions, amulets, or prized heirlooms of brighter days you are searching for, Cruella and Pan are the duo to visit.

Scenario Number 3: There’s only one way out of Hell

Returning to the land of the living is a nearly impossible task for a soul trapped in the Underworld. It is almost equally as hard for the souls of the living to return to the land from which they came. The trip is risky, ill-advised, and potentially life threatening. Emma may be willing to split her heart in two, her family may be willing to help retrieve one of their own, but are any of them ready to roll the dice on their odds of resurfacing.

Every person trapped in the Underworld awaits the fateful day when they can bid farewell to existing in a state of “What if?” What if I see my son again? What if I never leave? What if I finally apologize to my brother? What if I never lured those children into my home and ate them with a side of gingerbread? There’s only one way to escape — strike a deal with Hades.

Now that you have read our tales — which one do you think is true?

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For the answer tune in Sunday night!

Once Upon a Time season 5, episode 12, “Souls of the Departed” airs Sunday, March 6 at 8:00 p.m. ET on ABC.