Once Upon a Time sends two people to the past, but this time not in a flashback! Get ready for the season finale with our preview!

Much like King Midas, Hook and Emma must watch everything they touch when they return to the past on tonight’s Once Upon a Time season 3 finale. The two-hour spectacular, “Snow Drifts/ There’s No Place Like Home” will wrap up the lost year and offer a look at where creators Horowitz and Kitsis plan to take us next!

Previously on ‘Once Upon a Time’

Zelena may appear to be a pile of dust, but her powers prove to exceed her physical form and a portal to the past opens in Storybrooke. Belle and Rumple are finally together for the longest stint this season. Rumple proposes to her, but a secret lurks between them. Mary Margaret and David welcome a new baby into the world! In order to save the baby, and Hook, Emma sacrifices her powers. Luckily, Regina’s character growth this season is enough to harness light magic and stop Zelena’s plan in its tracks.

This week on ‘Once Upon a Time’

Can you handle two full hours of Once Upon a Time? This week’s finale is sure to pack the punches as it answers many questions about Hook finding Emma, Zelena’s magic opening a portal to the past, and the name of Mary Margaret’s new baby boy!

But what if there was a possibility that Neal has a shot at surviving his fate? In the clip from this week’s episode, Rumplestiltskin inquires whether Emma and Hook know if he finds Bae in the future. Their answer seems promising, but what did they do that alters the timeline?

Check out the full synopsis and photo posts and be sure to check back for our full recap following tonight’s episode!

Watch Once Upon a Time season 3 episodes 21 and 22 “Snow Drifts” and “There’s No Place Like Home” tonight at 8 p.m. ET on ABC