What did you think about Once Upon a Time‘s big episode “Manhattan”?! Share your reactions and see the promo for next week here.

Tonight’s episode revealed the identity of Bae – were you surprised?! What will this mean for Emma and Henry? Back in Storybrooke, we saw Regina and Cora move forward with their plan to capture Rumpelstiltskin with the help of Hook – and Cora revealed her plan to use Rumpel to kill Snow, Emma and Charming.

Next week it’s a Snow White flashback, entitled “The Queen is Dead.” Check out the promo:

The summary for this episode reads:

Upon discovering Cora and Regina’s plan to find and take possession of Rumplestiltskin’s dagger, Mary Margaret, with the aid of David and Mother Superior, makes it her mission to find it first; and while Mr. Gold continues his quest in New York to reunite with son Bae, Hook devises a plan to rid himself of a crocodile. Meanwhile, in the fairytale land that was, the Blue Fairy offers Snow White an unconventional enchantment that could help save her dying mother, Queen Eva, on “Once Upon a Time.”

Once Upon a Time 2×15 “The Queen is Dead” airs Sunday after next at 8/7c on ABC.

What did you think about “Manhattan”? Did you see the twist coming?! Share your thoughts in the comments!