What did you think of Once Upon a Time‘s returning episode “Tiny”? Share your thoughts and watch the promo for “Manhattan” here!

In tonight’s episode, Jorge Garcia returned as the Giant, and we also met Jack, who was played by Cassidy Freeman. The flashbacks showed Jack and Prince James conning poor Anton, while in Storybrooke the Giant returned with a vengeance, and went after David thinking he was his twin brother.

Meanwhile Mr. Gold, Emma and Henry ventured beyond the town line to track down Bae. Next week’s episode will follow that storyline, as we see the characters in Manhattan – where, curiously, Neal Cassidy (Michael Raymond-James) will reappear. Is he Bae? Watch the promo and share your theories below…

The episode description for “Manhattan” reads:

While Mr. Gold, Emma and Henry go in search of Gold’s son Bae in New York, Cora, Regina and Hook attempt to track down one of Rumplestiltskin’s most treasured possessions. Meanwhile, in the fairytale land that was, Rumplestiltskin realizes his destiny while fighting in the Ogres War.

Are you looking forward to another Rumpelstiltskin flashback? And what about Emma’s reunion with Neal, who of course wasn’t the horrible guy she thought he was? We can’t wait to find out!

Share your theories and thoughts on “Tiny” in the comments!