Lost star Jorge Garcia will be back as the giant on Once Upon a Time! Read the episode synopsis for “Tiny” to find out how.

Ironically titled, considering that Jorge Garcia plays a giant, “Tiny” will see the character return to the show – to Storybrooke this time!

ABC has released the official episode synopsis, which reads:

Cora brings the giant to Storybrooke, where he unleashes vengeance on the town. Greg asks Belle what she saw on the night of his accident. Emma and Henry go with Mr. Gold to search for his son while Anton the Giant befriends humans.

We assume that Greg is possibly the mysterious stranger who drove into town and ran over Captain Hook at the end of last week’s episode.

And it is also interesting to note that Emma and Henry go with Gold to search for Bae! Has the episode in between this one and the last (which is the upcoming 2×12 “The Outsider”) revealed that Bae and Henry’s father Neal are in fact the same person?! We know that Michael Raymond-James will reappear in 2×14 “Manhattan,” so this seems very likely at this point.

Are you excited to see Jorge Garcia return? What will happen when a giant barges through Storybrooke? Will he even be a giant?

Once Upon a Time returns Sunday with 2×12 “The Outsider.”