See a preview clip for Once Upon a Time‘s winter finale episode “Queen of Hearts,” which features Belle, Hook and Regina! What brings those three together?

There’s one more episode of Once Upon a Time left in 2012, Oncers! Luckily it promises to be a good one, full of surprises.

In this sneak peek, we get a preview of one of them: it turns out that Captain Hook has a bit of a history not only with Regina, but with Belle! Check it out:

Are you surprised by this turn of events? Do you think that Hook does still have some good in him, or is he completely corrupted by his need for revenge at this point?

Once Upon a Time 2×08 “Queen of Hearts” airs Sunday at 8/7c on ABC.

In the episode,

Cora and Captain Hook face off with Mary Margaret and Emma in a race to secure the compass, which will point its holder to the portal into Storybrooke. But back on the other side, Regina and Mr. Gold, desperate to keep Cora out, put a plan into action that would kill anyone entering the portal, placing Mary Margaret’s and Emma’s lives in danger as well. Meanwhile, back in the fairytale land that was, Captain Hook travels to Wonderland and meets up with a vengeful Queen of Hearts.

Do you think that the Queen of Hearts is Cora?