The Once Upon a Time showrunners and cast were back at Comic-Con where they brought some old favorites and new surprises.

The Comic-Con panel was hosted by Yvette Nicole Brown of Community fame. It featured co-creators and executive producers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz. Pre-announced cast members included Jennifer Morrison (Emma), Robert Carlyle (Rumple), Lana Parrilla (Regina), Josh Dallas (Prince Charming), Emilie de Ravin (Belle), Colin O’Donoghue (Hook) and Jared Gilmore (Henry).

1. Is there a difference between true love and soul mates?

In the showrunners’ version happy endings aren’t always what you expect. There may be more than one person you love, and you are able to love again. True love comes in many forms whereas soul mates, in their view, do not. So, true love is what they choose to write because it has many aspects.

2. Rumple as the addict

Robert Carlyle sees Rumple as an addict. He is addicted to power. His love of Belle is real, but he is always at war with his addiction.

3. On playing Pan and Henry

Jared Gilmore, whose voice has dropped about three octaves, loved the duality of the role. The showrunners were so happy when ABC supported the idea of them going to Neverland that enabled this story line. This year Henry helps out in the pawn shop. Rumple and Henry’s relationship becomes closer this season.

4. Lana Parilla on the multiple sides of Regina

Lana Parilla loves that Regina has finally realized her full potential to love someone, meaning Henry not Robin. Obviously her heart has been broken over losing, at this point, Robin. She jokes that she’s still mad at Emma and that’s why she and Jennifer Morrison are seated at opposite ends of the table. Jennifer Morrison feels that Emma is dealing with the fallout of the impossible situation. She can’t apologize for saving a life despite the fact that saving a life ruined Regina’s hope for new love.

5. Will Neal be back?

The showrunners confirm that Neal will always be back in flashbacks.

6. New clothes for Hook

Colin O’Donohue is thrilled to finally wear new, modern clothes this season. His Hook jacket weighed 50 pounds.

7. Update on baby Oliver

Josh Dallas called his son with Ginnifer Goodwin, baby Oliver, his true love. They “Skyped In” Goodwin from the set. There were some jokes about postpartum hormones and then a clip showed her bonking Michael Socha (The Knave from Wonderland) over the head with a stage prop.

8. Regina’s conflicted this season

Regina has learned what love can bring and its benefits, but old habits die hard. A special clip from the first episode showed Regina unlocking the hospital ward cell where apparently Sydney, the magic mirror, has been imprisoned. She states,”I need my mirror. There is someone standing in the way of my happiness.”

9. Musical episode

Although the idea is intriguing, the showrunners feel like they need people with a better skill set than theirs to pull it off.

10. Frozen

A final clip showed Elsa and Anna laying flowers at side-by-side tombs, then Elsa tells Anna that “They would be so proud of you.” And that Elsa has a surprise for Anna before Anna’s wedding.