Check out a batch of stills as well as a promo for next week’s episode of Nikita, titled “Self-Destruct,” below. Spoilers ahead.

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According to the synopsis, this episode will deal with the aftermath of the Division mutiny and the loss of one of the core members of Team Nikita.

In the wake of the bloody uprising, Alex is “[s]hattered by Amanda’s programming,” as well as “her inability to save everyone, and her ultimate responsibility for the tragic events at Division,” particularly Sean’s death. As a result, she “reverts to old ways and violently strikes out.”

Meanwhile, “[w]ith most of their compatriots dead, broken, or scattered to the wind, Nikita and Michael together must pick through the ashes of Division to see who and what can be salvaged.”

And they must do so “before the President realizes the sinking depth of the damage,” now that there are scores of former criminals-turned-trained assassins on the loose and the black box is in Owen/Sam’s hands as he tries to broker a sale. And as “[m]emories of Division’s glory days haunt them,” Birkhoff also “struggles with his own personal losses.”

We also have a promo for the episode:

Judging from the promo, Ryan wakes up from his coma in this episode. He seems to be in pretty good shape for someone who nearly bled to death after being shot, as he does his best to help deal with the aftermath of the mutiny.

“Self-Destruct” airs Friday, April 26 at 8:00 p.m. ET.