Watch a clip from this week’s episode of Nikita, titled “Self-Destruct,” below.

In this clip, we see that Ryan has awoken from his coma, and Nikita, Michael, and Birkhoff are catching him up on everything he missed. It seems that only 14 Division agents stayed in the wake of the uprising, and the body count is eight, including Sean. With Ops decimated, Division’s systems are down and Birkhoff’s pride and joy, Shadownet, needs to be rebuilt.

According to the synopsis, this episode will focus on the aftermath of the mutiny. Alex, who has been “[s]hattered by Amanda’s programming, her inability to save everyone, and her ultimate responsibility for the tragic events at Division,” ends up “revert[ing] to old ways” by “violently strik[ing] out.” We’ll be particularly interested in seeing how she interacts with Ryan now that she has been revealed as his shooter.

Meanwhile, “[w]ith most of their compatriots dead, broken, or scattered to the wind, Nikita and Michael together must pick through the ashes of Division to see who and what can be salvaged.” And they must do so “before the President realizes the sinking depth of the damage.” In the process, “[m]emories of Division’s glory days haunt them” and “Birkhoff struggles with his own personal losses.”

Judging from the promo, Team Nikita may self-destruct the Division facility to prevent the government or any other outside forces from finding evidence of Division or the people who worked for it, now that dozens of former-criminals-turned-trained-assassins are on the loose.

“Self-Destruct” airs Friday, April 26 at 8:00 p.m. ET.