Have you ever played a Flash game online? Odds are, it came from Newgrounds.com. Newgrounds is an online community dedicated to Flash animation and The Forsaken City is the site’s first foray into video production.

Fans of Newgrounds will be happy to see classic characters, themes and icons make appearances in The Forsaken City. The creators have said that their re-imagining of the Newgrounds universe will be a dark and gritty original tale set in the fictional city of Newgrounds, complete with classic Newgrounds characters like Pico, Hank and Alien Homonid.

The studio responsible for the production, Studio Firelight, has filled its Kickstarter campaign with updates and production files showcasing its work in the conception, design and materialization of the world. Check out this brief synopsis the studio came up with to tie the Newground characters and themes together into The Forsaken City.

Newgrounds: The Forsaken City is a live-action web series developed by Studio Firelight. The series is an action/adventure serial, spanning a 9-episode story arch. We follow a rogue soldier, Pico, as he struggles to unravel the mystery surrounding an elusive company from his past. With the help of the rebel faction known as Tankmen, Pico seeks to unite his old team and bring closure to an unsettled score.

Some characters, like the Alien Homonid from the flash game Alien Homonid require a little more attention and finesse, but Studio Firelight is on top of it with an update concerning the animatronic that it’s already made in preparation for filming. That’s right, it hasn’t seen a dime yet from its Kickstarter campaign (the studio’s up to $10K, but won’t get a penny unless it reaches its goal. It’s how the fundraising website works), and the studio has still been working hard to turn it into a reality.

What do you think? Are you already a fan of Newgrounds.com? Would you like to see The Forsaken City become a reality?