We’ve been getting a lot of new promotional media for The Walking Dead season 3, building up the hype for the return of the popular AMC horror series. This promo includes snippets of critics’ reviews deeming it “incredible.”

We know there is a lot to expect from the upcoming season 3 of The Walking Dead, and now the critics have spoken, leading us to believe that we won’t be disappointed. In this new promotional trailer, critics are hailing the new season as “thrilling,” “amazing,” and “incredible.”

The wildly popular cable horror series is looking to set new records in its third installment, starting October 14. Other networks are looking to cash in on the frightful themes that The Walking Dead provides, introducing shows like FX’s American Horror Story and ABC’s new 666 Park Avenue.

American Horror Story is artfully done and creates twisted, intriguing stories, while 666 Park Avenue didn’t deliver to the same caliber. We don’t think the new ABC series will be much competition for Walking Dead, even though it tries to bring the viewers to the scary side of New York life.

The thing that makes The Walking Dead so successful is its ability to show the humanity in spite of all the terror that is happening around our beloved cast of characters. We see how different people react to different situations, and the lengths people go to in order to survive.

How do you judge yourself on old morals when the world has completely gone to hell? Nothing is the same as it once was, but you try to hold onto your old life. In the end though, you can’t. The walkers are always an ongoing threat, but it’s usually the people who cause the most damage to one another.

AMC makes sure to note that their channel is not available on Dish, and encourages viewers to switch carriers, and for friends with cable and other satellite providers to welcome Dish customers over to watch with them. Though we know that Dish subscribers will have the option of watching the premiere online, it’s still an inconvenience.

What do you think of the new Walking Dead promo trailer? Will this season be as “thrilling” as the last?