The latest trailer teaser for X-Men: Days of Future Past reveals that the film’s final trailer will premiere in one week.

X-Men: Days of Future Past has been covering all of its social media bases. Releasing behind-the-scenes shots on Twitter and Facebook, while releasing trailer teasers on Instagram. Today we have the latest trailer teaser which has a bit of a Brady Bunch theme:

There’s not much footage to look at, but it’s certainly an interesting way to reveal the release date for the new trailer. X-Men: Days of Future Past’s final trailer will be released March 24.

X-Men: Days of Future Past won’t hit theaters until May, but Singer is already discussing the next film in the franchise, X-Men: Apocalypse, which will focus on mutant origins. He discussed the fact that he’s co-writing the film as well as producing.

In related news, director James Mangold has revealed that he will directing The Wolverine sequel after Singer finishes his work on X-Men: Apocalypse. Fox continues to push its X-Men characters to their limits, squeezing as many films as possible out of their mutants. This also indirectly confirms that Bryan Singer will direct Apocalypse.

Be sure to check back next week when the full X-Men: Days of Future Past trailer is finally released. In case you missed the first trailer, you can watch it here.

X-Men: Days of Future Past’s release date is set for May 23, 2014. The film stars returning actors Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult, James McAvoy, and Michael Fassbender. Also rejoining the X-Men franchise are Halle Berry, Shawn Ashmore, James Marsden, Ellen Page, and Hugh Jackman. Fan-favorite Peter Dinklage will be playing the film’s villain.