At the end of last season we saw an ominous shot of a prison right before the credits rolled in the final scene, and we know Rick and crew aiming to make this their home in season 3. A new trailer for The Walking Dead shows the group’s fight to keep it.

We all know it’s coming. If you’ve seen any of the other previews or promotional photos from the upcoming season of The Walking Dead, you know that the Ricktatorship is looking to settle down in a seemingly abandoned prison.

During the season 2 finale, Herschel’s farm was lost to hoards of walkers and they came from all angles and were too much for the survivors to fight off and stay. Rick makes it a point of saying that they need to find somewhere to settle in, someplace that is protected from the outside and they can create a home on the inside.

So what better place than a prison?

Rick seems to think it’s “a goldmine” with “weapons, food, and medicine.” He does have a point – the group needs all of these things, considering they had to leave almost everything behind at Herschel’s farm. And now their modes of transportation aren’t as reliable either. They’re running out of gas. They need to make camp.

Lori, who we know is upset with Rick for killing Shane and showing us his darker side, seems to be putting a little more faith back into her husband. In the new trailer she says, “Rick’s gotten us a lot further than I ever thought he would.”

With the baby on the way, we can only hope that the two of them will work to rekindle their relationship.

However, the new home doesn’t come without a price. With the tagline “Fight the dead. Fear the living,” we know this season is also going to focus on some human threats as well as walkers.

Enter the Governor. He seems to think the prison is his. He says he’s going to be “taking back what’s ours.”

But Rick is adamant: “I’m not giving up this prison. It’s ours. We spilled blood.”

Tension is sure to be high when these two come face to face, especially considering Rick’s warning:

“If we see you out here anywhere near our people, I’ll kill you.”

We expect to see an even darker side of Rick than we saw at the end of last season, now that he has taken a real responsibility for leading this group.

And he’s going to protect them, whatever it takes.