Merlin is coming to an end, and now you can see a few images and watch an epic new promo for the first half of the final episode “The Diamond of the Day.”

Following Saturday’s Mordred-centric episode “The Drawing of the Dark,” the usual promo for the next episode was released (which included that scream from Merlin, we’ve still got chills).

Now, a second promo gives us a more comprehensive preview of some of the scenes from the episode:

The promo begins with Arthur telling his knights that, “The war has begun,” and informing them (and the audience) that their stand will be at Camlann – which any Arthurian Legend fan will know is where Mordred is supposed to kill or fatally wound King Arthur.

We see Arthur and his army riding out, with Merlin telling Gaius that “this battle is the only way he knows how to save his people.” Gaius, ever the realist/pessimist, reminds Arthur once again that “the prophecy will come true, and he will die,” and Morgana echoes the sentiment: “Now we know the war can be won,” she says, as we see scenes of destruction and her and Mordred using their magic side by side.

Merlin reveals that, “I’ve lost my magic,” while lying in his bed, and then walking into what looks like the cave he was shown trapped inside in the first promo.

We see what looks like Gwen and Arthur, and Gaius and Merlin, saying their goodbyes, Morgana using Aithusa’s fire on her sword, and an excited promo voice (we couldn’t place that for a moment!) tells us that, “the end is nigh.” We know, promo voice, no need to rub it in! The final few images show us Morgana screaming that she wants Emrys dead, and Arthur and his men ducking as a dragon attacks (is it Kilgarrah, making his final stand?).

Four images have also been revealed, showing Morgana and her new ally Ari (Peter Guinness).

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This episode of Merlin will air on Saturday, December 22 at 19:55 GMT on BBC One. Don’t forget that the second part will air only two days later, on December 24.