The latest poster for Noah, starring Russell Crowe, Emma Watson, Jennifer Connelly, Logan Lerman, and Anthony Hopkins, reveals Crowe wielding an axe.

Russell Crowe stars as Noah in the film telling the story of one of the Bible’s most well-known figures and his epic ark built to survive the apocalyptic flood. Emma Watson, Anthony Hopkins, Jennifer Connelly, Logan Lerman, and Ray Winstone look to be part of an incredible cast.

The story centers around the title character’s mission to save his family after seeing visions of an inevitable apocalypse. Director Darren Aronofsky and Russell Crowe have promised an edgier take on the biblical tale.

An international trailer contains the most recent footage we’ve seen, which was released back in November. It features Emma Watson and Russell Crowe as the great flood begins.

Russell Crowe has also hinted at a more gruff, anti-heroic Noah than audiences might expect, and from what we’ve seen so far, the film looks more like an epic action film than a word for word adaptation – which isn’t unusual for Aronofsky.

Pre-screenings have been seeing some mixed reviews from audiences, especially Christians that felt the film has not stayed close enough to the source material.

While there is always a bit of an outcry with biblical story adaptations, we’re looking forward to seeing what this caliber of director can do with the story of Noah.

Noah is set to hit theaters March 28, 2014.

Image source: Yahoo! Movies