We’ve all been wondering whether The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim‘s downloadable content will ever make it to Sony’s console, given the technical difficulties Bethesda has suffered whilst grappling with it. A tweet from Bethesda, however, tells us that PlayStation 3 owners might not have long to wait to get their hands on some Skyrim DLC.


This good news may come as a shock to Skyrim fans, who may remember Bethesda’s pessimistic September statement on the future of DLC on the PlayStation 3. These tweets reveal that Bethesda has overcome the previous problems it had with ensuring the DLC has satisfactory performance on the PlayStation 3. The base game itself was plagued with frame rate issues on release, with only some improvement made in later patches.

Since Skyrim‘s release almost a year ago, there have been several DLC releases, with none yet making it to the PlayStation 3. Dawnguard, the first of the DLC, released on Xbox 360 in June and hit Steam in early August. A smaller piece of content, Hearthfire, where players can build their own houses, was available to download by Xbox 360 Skyrim players on September 4, and released a month later on PC.

Earlier this week, the next DLC, Dragonborn was announced with a release date of December 4 on Xbox 360. Players will return to the beautiful island of Solstheim for the first time since Bloodmoon, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind expansion. Oh yes, and you’ll be able to fly dragons.

Is it too little too late from Bethesda, or a case of better late than never? Are you still playing Skyrim?